My normal passive-aggressive way of dealing with that is:Feel your pain, Tasty! I love (not) waking up to emails sent at midnight with an invite to a morning meeting as soon as you hit the office leaving no prep time. Work Email does have its benefits but, it is also such an unwanted intrusion when you are expected to monitor outside of your normal working hours.. Happy Thursday!!!
1. Log on at 8:50AM, see meeting invite for 9AM, get angry.
2. Nonchalantly pour some tea, go to the restroom, check on some other things, otherwise kill about 25 minutes.
3. Join meeting 20-30 minutes late.
4. When someone grumps that I'm late, pointedly remind them not to invite me to 9AM meetings WITH NO G**D*** NOTICE!

This time, though, they caught me online and warned me, so I don't have an out.