Plans Mon to Fri
Finish quilted advent calendar for sister
Make 3 more quilted stockings for kids (to go with other 8)
Finish cardigan repair to take to UK for friend
Finish other cardigan
Check presents over
Check chook house, new lock required on one door, several feeders need moving, refill all feeders for final week long check, top up all water. New nesting material, clean out bantam sleeping area.
Cook potato soup, write up for new comp
Cook other soup, also write up for new comp
More admin work for CB
Drs apt to sort meds for flight
Chemist, order monthly meds so in stock
Refuel Serenity (my car)
Clean house/hover
Cards for all birthdays whilst away (4?)
Pack for long haul flights
Update blog
I'm going to quit this list now, it's too depressing.