Plans for today (2019-2022)

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I used a Viking, I had a good mower as well

Lol, I bought the wife a key start mower about 15 years ago, top of the line $600 plus?? My son asked to borrow it after a while. I never saw it again. He hid it in his shed that was locked. I gave up. I have a guy now that comes.

The snooker table at the golf club has been recovered so that's on the agenda for today. That should lead to a dinner of carry oot char siu noodles (if they're open).
Lol, I bought the wife a key start mower about 15 years ago, top of the line $600 plus?? My son asked to borrow it after a while. I never saw it again. He hid it in his shed that was locked. I gave up. I have a guy now that comes.


I have a TORO (don't know if that's a brand outside the US) cordless electric mower now. Perfect for a small to medium-sized lawn. It has a mulching blade, so no bag, or need to rake grass. I love it! And, being a TORO, it should be the last mower I buy.

I have a TORO (don't know if that's a brand outside the US) cordless electric mower now. Perfect for a small to medium-sized lawn. It has a mulching blade, so no bag, or need to rake grass. I love it! And, being a TORO, it should be the last mower I buy.


Sounds convenient, I would use that as I hate emptying catchers. But my guy is $20 and he's here 20 mins and takes clippings away.

Just had bad news, my Fil Tommo has been moved back into intensive care. They have given him a day or so. My wife obviously is very upset. She at least got to see him last week.Because of Covid their are no circumstances we can say goodbye.
Very sorry to hear that. I think you have some difficult days ahead. Best wishes on getting through them.
Just had bad news, my Fil Tommo has been moved back into intensive care. They have given him a day or so. My wife obviously is very upset. She at least got to see him last week.Because of Covid their are no circumstances we can say goodbye.

That is so upsetting and sad. Best wishes on getting through this.
The snooker table at the golf club has been recovered so that's on the agenda for today. That should lead to a dinner of carry oot char siu noodles (if they're open).

They were open and the noodles were as tasty as usual.
Just had bad news, my Fil Tommo has been moved back into intensive care. They have given him a day or so. My wife obviously is very upset. She at least got to see him last week.Because of Covid their are no circumstances we can say goodbye.
Burt - that's awful to hear. I know you'll give your wife all the support she needs, and I also know you're very close to your FIL, so don't be afraid to ask those around you for help for yourself as well.

Take care. We're thinking of you.
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