Today was an up-and-down day. Sundays are always like that for me, because I know Monday is right around the corner and I hate the return back to work, especially this week, as it's going to be an especially difficult one, as I'm on call and there's a lot going on.
Anyway, watered the flowers outside, that takes 35 minutes - I know because it timed it.
Made breakfast, then went out to do some shopping. MrsT was going to stay home, but decided at the last minute to go with me, which meant doubling the time I'd be out. I can normally fly through a shopping trip, but she dawdles something fierce.
Believe it or not, I was looking for two things I don't own - nice short pants and short-sleeved button-down shirts. MrsT has convinced me that going to Florida in July means shorts are required, not optional, so away we went.
I was already irritated before we left because I do all my shopping in the off-season, and I shop the clearance racks, and I knew that shopping for shorts in early June...they'd be full price, and I was pretty much right.
I did get lucky and found two pairs of shorts that fit the bill, went to try them on, and...the

fitting rooms were still shut down. No masks required, mind...drinking fountains turned on, but the fitting rooms were still closed. So I put them them back.
Finally, at a deep-discount store, I found a pair of bluish-grey (or maybe they're greyish-blue) Columbia dress shorts for $14, so I snagged those, and two shirts - a flowery dark-and-light blue one and a white one with little blue designs on it for a whopping $6 each. Very happy with that.
Now I just need one more pair of shorts. And some summery shoes that I can wear without socks. Then I'm ready for Florida.
That's when MrsT asked me how I'd feel about turning the upcoming Florida trip into a Pennsylvania trip.
I swear, she does this

on purpose!
So I said no, let's just stick to Florida, because I hate having things decided, then upending them again and starting all over. Can't believe I just argued
for going to Florida. In July. I'm assuming Satan just broke out his parka and mukluks because Hell as certainly frozen over.