Plans for today (2023)

Nice car.

Yes, it was a very nice car, and fun. It got to 15 years old, and became a money pit, so I had to let it go.


My SIL is feeling better today so she is cooking me breakfast and we are going out later to an Asian store to pick up sushi rice and sushi grade fish (salmon and/or tuna) to make some hand-rolls. I have wasabi, soy sauce, nori and veggies on hand already.
My son made me jumbo size kind of sushi rolls for Mother’s Day last year. No raw ingredients though (apart from a bit of rare steak) because at 19 he wasn’t confident in handling raw. They tasted great.

Has "romantic evening out" written all over it...

A central stop along U.S. Interstate 71, Ralph’s American Grill is a tribute to the trucking industry. We’re situated in the heart of Southwest Ohio, between the cities of Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati. Our family-friendly atmosphere serves up classic, Americana-inspired meals to all travelers in the region. The restaurant décor reflects the area’s rich history in transportation, notably the success of locally-founded R+L Carriers. -- Ralph's Website

Make sure to order the Lug Nuts as an appetizer.

Make sure to order the Lug Nuts as an appetizer.
We did, and they were fantastic!

33 years married (35 total together), we can make our own romance, we don’t need to depend on a restaurant for that.

They way we ate, though, the only romance in the cards might be if we can roll our overstuffed selves together somehow, without expending too much energy. :laugh:
Morning all, well it’s morning here at any rate 😆
I’m off to Bristol this morning to pick up a bedside table from a Gumtree ad, then to the fabric shop so my son can choose some fabrics for cushions etc, back home and as its a lovely sunny Saturday (so far 🙄) take the BSA out for a spin to the auction house on the Mendips for presale viewing of a few bits n bobs 👍
They have a cafe there so we’ll see what delights they have on offer!
On my way back from Brizzle.
Walked past a second hand tech shop and this leapt from the shelf into my view.
Had to buy it.
View attachment 100253
Such old tech now, I’m not sure I have a dvd player 😆
I love watching their shows, even though they rarely make anything I’d want to eat. That may sound bad, but that’s actually a compliment.

My wife and I play a little game whenever I watch one of these. It’s called “Spot Where the Recipe Goes Wrong,” and it’ll be something like this:

“Right. Today, we’re making a lovely cake called ‘Tailors’ Sponge,’ and the story goes that when the tailors in Jermyn Street in London would take their afternoon break and their wives would have packed them this delicious, light treat to make their work day a little brighter, you know.”

<MrsT says, “Hey, you might want to write this down.”>

“Yes, that’s right, and what’s more, over the years and the decades, it evolved of course, to being sold in the shops, with this particular design on the top, made of icing sugar, that resembles a needle and thimble, the symbol of the Tailors’ Guild, as it happens. Isn’t that clever?”

<I say, “Yeah, maybe this’ll be good for a picnic or something.”>

“Quite so - on with the cake. Into your large mixing bowl, tip in a good two cups of plain flour, two teaspoons of baking powder-“

“This is a rather large sponge, and meant to last the workweek.”

“-and set aside. Now, whip fiercely eight eggs until foamy. You can use your fancy stand mixer, but I must say, I prefer to just get in there and have a bash at it the old-fashioned way. It’s good for the frustrations.”

<Scribble, scribble, scribble>

“Now they’re good and foamed up, add the sugar, this is important, for it’s what makes it a Tailors’ Sponge and not just any old sponge…a good half-cup of puréed eels’ stomachs. Go to the shops for that if you must, but I do think locally-sourced is just better.”

“I remember my mum getting the fresh eels’ stomachs right from the sort of small river that ran by our house.”

<I wad up paper and throw it in the trash, and light it on fire for good measure.> 😑
It’s Saturday, so my usual day for gallivanting about while MrsT spends the better part of the day on the phone with her friend.

We’re both running terribly far behind, as the big meal from yesterday (mainly that huge wedge of peanut butter pie) kept us both awake and miserable most of the night. We don’t eat like that much any more, so our stomachs spent most of the overnight hours in mortal combat with the meal.

I’m off to one store to look for a mouse pad, something I haven’t used in years and years, but because of some new work requirements, I have to have a two-monitor setup at home, there’s just no way around it, and that includes a proper keyboard and mouse. Up ‘til now, I’ve been happily surviving with a small notebook-sized laptop, and was rather proud that I could get my job done without the need of a 27-inch second monitor, etc.

One day using the new setup, and I’m already getting issues with the heel of my hand, so off to find some cushy, ergonomically-sound mousepad to alleviate that.

Then…there’s a new location of a very local mom-and-pop grocery store I want to check out - this is their third, and largest store. Looking forward to that. I’ve also got to pay through the nose for decaffeinated coffee beans for MrsT.

I usually get something nice for lunch, like a big gourmet burger, or a pizza, or a big plate of sloppy nachos, but I’m still feeling like I’ve wrestled Godzilla half the night, so maybe I can find a place that do me up a nice bowl of something neutral, like Cream of Wheat. :laugh:
Oh, and I forgot to add that I have to work overnight tonight several hours, starting at 10PM, probably until 3AM or so. Tomorrow will be a wasted day, that’s for sure.
I love watching their shows, even though they rarely make anything I’d want to eat. That may sound bad, but that’s actually a compliment.

My wife and I play a little game whenever I watch one of these. It’s called “Spot Where the Recipe Goes Wrong,” and it’ll be something like this:

“Right. Today, we’re making a lovely cake called ‘Tailors’ Sponge,’ and the story goes that when the tailors in Jermyn Street in London would take their afternoon break and their wives would have packed them this delicious, light treat to make their work day a little brighter, you know.”

<MrsT says, “Hey, you might want to write this down.”>

“Yes, that’s right, and what’s more, over the years and the decades, it evolved of course, to being sold in the shops, with this particular design on the top, made of icing sugar, that resembles a needle and thimble, the symbol of the Tailors’ Guild, as it happens. Isn’t that clever?”

<I say, “Yeah, maybe this’ll be good for a picnic or something.”>

“Quite so - on with the cake. Into your large mixing bowl, tip in a good two cups of plain flour, two teaspoons of baking powder-“

“This is a rather large sponge, and meant to last the workweek.”

“-and set aside. Now, whip fiercely eight eggs until foamy. You can use your fancy stand mixer, but I must say, I prefer to just get in there and have a bash at it the old-fashioned way. It’s good for the frustrations.”

<Scribble, scribble, scribble>

“Now they’re good and foamed up, add the sugar, this is important, for it’s what makes it a Tailors’ Sponge and not just any old sponge…a good half-cup of puréed eels’ stomachs. Go to the shops for that if you must, but I do think locally-sourced is just better.”

“I remember my mum getting the fresh eels’ stomachs right from the sort of small river that ran by our house.”

<I wad up paper and throw it in the trash, and light it on fire for good measure.> 😑
That made me laugh a lot, so accurate I could hear their voices saying your lines, brilliant 😆

I have made quite a few of their recipes but I think sometimes as food fashions change so does your palate and it’s all very heavy stuff. I can’t think of a single recipe of theirs I‘ve made for a long time.

Then again I was looking up Shooters Sandwich the other day so they are part background inspiration and part education.

I recently agreed to my friends request when we get a bit older to get a side car and make modern (old) two fat ladies youtube shorts!
I regret it already, apparently side cars are an absolute pig to ride 😆
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