Nice car.
Yes, it was a very nice car, and fun. It got to 15 years old, and became a money pit, so I had to let it go.
Nice car.
My son made me jumbo size kind of sushi rolls for Mother’s Day last year. No raw ingredients though (apart from a bit of rare steak) because at 19 he wasn’t confident in handling raw. They tasted great.My SIL is feeling better today so she is cooking me breakfast and we are going out later to an Asian store to pick up sushi rice and sushi grade fish (salmon and/or tuna) to make some hand-rolls. I have wasabi, soy sauce, nori and veggies on hand already.
Yes, it was a very nice car, and fun. It got to 15 years old, and became a money pit, so I had to let it go.
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Weigh-in was good, so we’re going to a new restaurant in our area:we may go out to supper tonight, depending on how MrsT’s weigh-in goes. Still waiting results from that.
We did, and they were fantastic!Make sure to order the Lug Nuts as an appetizer.
Well, I'd never heard of lugnuts so I looked at that menu:
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Oh my!
Why are they called 'lugnuts'?
I love watching their shows, even though they rarely make anything I’d want to eat. That may sound bad, but that’s actually a compliment.On my way back from Brizzle.
Walked past a second hand tech shop and this leapt from the shelf into my view.
Had to buy it.
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Such old tech now, I’m not sure I have a dvd player![]()
That made me laugh a lot, so accurate I could hear their voices saying your lines, brilliantI love watching their shows, even though they rarely make anything I’d want to eat. That may sound bad, but that’s actually a compliment.
My wife and I play a little game whenever I watch one of these. It’s called “Spot Where the Recipe Goes Wrong,” and it’ll be something like this:
“Right. Today, we’re making a lovely cake called ‘Tailors’ Sponge,’ and the story goes that when the tailors in Jermyn Street in London would take their afternoon break and their wives would have packed them this delicious, light treat to make their work day a little brighter, you know.”
<MrsT says, “Hey, you might want to write this down.”>
“Yes, that’s right, and what’s more, over the years and the decades, it evolved of course, to being sold in the shops, with this particular design on the top, made of icing sugar, that resembles a needle and thimble, the symbol of the Tailors’ Guild, as it happens. Isn’t that clever?”
<I say, “Yeah, maybe this’ll be good for a picnic or something.”>
“Quite so - on with the cake. Into your large mixing bowl, tip in a good two cups of plain flour, two teaspoons of baking powder-“
“This is a rather large sponge, and meant to last the workweek.”
“-and set aside. Now, whip fiercely eight eggs until foamy. You can use your fancy stand mixer, but I must say, I prefer to just get in there and have a bash at it the old-fashioned way. It’s good for the frustrations.”
<Scribble, scribble, scribble>
“Now they’re good and foamed up, add the sugar, this is important, for it’s what makes it a Tailors’ Sponge and not just any old sponge…a good half-cup of puréed eels’ stomachs. Go to the shops for that if you must, but I do think locally-sourced is just better.”
“I remember my mum getting the fresh eels’ stomachs right from the sort of small river that ran by our house.”
<I wad up paper and throw it in the trash, and light it on fire for good measure.>![]()
I've had two, this is my current one.Very nice. Had one of the originals. Always wanted the later edition too but two large boys and a tiny back seat put that on hold. Maybe later.