Plans for today (2023)

Patio window fixed, tea drunk.. what was the other thing I was supposed to do today? I really can’t won’t remember 😂
I was laughing at the idea of tea drunk, because I don't think the way I interpreted that was how you meant it.

Tea Drunk: Everything You Need to Know | PIQUE
"In China, being “tea drunk” is known as cha zui. This Chinese translation means someone who’s moved into an altered state of being after drinking tea. Similar to alcohol, this shift can change how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Thanks to specific compounds found in tea leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant, tea drinking may lead to a type of euphoric, calm, yet alert feeling. This is what people refer to when someone becomes tea drunk or tea high. "

And also there is this:
"Twisted Tea tastes like iced tea because it’s made with real brewed tea. Twisted Tea is refreshing and goes down smooth. At 5% ABV, Twisted Tea has just the right kick. Whether your grilling in your backyard or hanging out by the lake, Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea is a great alcoholic beverage to turn your day up a notch."
When we lived in the UK, neither garage we had would fit my Jeep Pioneer pickup, and the garage at the first house…I could park the Volvo 240 in it, with the front bumper just touching the back wall, and the garage door would almost…almost latch. I could pull it down, but it missed the latch by about an inch.

The second one just fit the Volvo, but there was no way to get anything else in there, and both garages required the skills of a contortionist to get in and out of the car.
My cousins in Phoenix hang a tennis ball from the garage ceiling so that the wife can pull in without hitting the wall because for some reason, they have a very short garage and she has a long car. When the tennis ball touches the windshield, it's time to stop. I think she has hit the wall a few times anyway. I know that their kids did when learning to drive, LOL.
In the US, that is called a garage. You park your two $50,000 cars outside so you can fill your garage with cheap crap you don't use. In a few years, you buy a new $60,000 car, and trade the old one in for $10,000 because it is now a piece of 💩 . You park the new car outside, so you can buy more crap to store in your garage.

From what I've seen, there are plenty of BMWs parked outside in Yurrip, too. I'm guessing plenty of garages full of 💩, as well.

Yes, we have a large enough garage to fit all of our cheap crap (as well as the lawnmower, tools/power tools, refrigerator, freezer, and laundry room) AND my car. My bay is HUGE. My husband's truck would be a tight squeeze to fit in the second bay so we use it for storing some of his aunt's stuff from when she moved away from Akron 20 years ago, LOL. I guess it might be time to ask her if we can donate it to Goodwill now.
Plans today included going to a pre-op appointment with MrsT (she’s now scheduled for minor heart surgery next month), and calling the mower repair shop to come collect the mower, look it over, and give me an estimate on repair, if possible. They’ll do that on Wednesday.
Let’s see…work, go into town for some groceries (including capers), grab some mulch as well, spray some weeds, just the usual.
Let’s see…work, go into town for some groceries (including capers), grab some mulch as well, spray some weeds, just the usual.
Are you going to Jungle Jim's in Eastgate for the caper berries or just gonna grab some regular capers elsewhere?
-2 deg frost here so a slow start. Its definitely winter.
Slow morning then bakery for granddaughter treat.
For lunch I will get her a butter chicken pie and carrot cake with a drink of L and P.
I will get 3 pieces of carrot cake so her 2 friends don't feel left out.
Then pick up booze. A few other wee jobs I need to do.
Home and prep for dinner.

For lunch I will get her a butter chicken pie and carrot cake with a drink of L and P.
I will get 3 pieces of carrot cake so her 2 friends don't feel left out.
Then pick up booze.

Don't get these steps out of order, or you'll have a bit of explaining to do down at the police station. :ohmy: :laugh:

Nothing to do today. I made a quick run to Kroger, and of course in rained on my relatively clean car. :facepalm:

I have some x-rays and an MRI of my lower back tomorrow. That's always a jolly good time.

Don't get these steps out of order, or you'll have a bit of explaining to do down at the police station. :ohmy: :laugh:


Everything does revolve around miss 13 isla. First and only granddaughter. Shes doing really well at new school so I reward her.
I dont drink before 9pm but today's Wednesday so I'm at pub at 2.30 with my bestie dafyd. :)

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