Plans for today (2024)

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I stopped three other places (Geez for something to eat, ALDI for a few things, and Dot’s Market for a few other things) and failed to take outside pics, so the one just above this is sort of pointless now. :laugh:
My plan was to sleep in (which I did), and watch the Steelers vs Ratbirds game.

But, the guy who owns the rent house next door finally had time to help me set some fence posts between my yard and his weed patch. Oh, and he has a new Tennant moving in. He said she was a single woman. Great, no kids!!! Nope, she has three kids from two marriages. Soooo, more noise, kids playing in the street, and his house will get torn up... again. He and his wife have a bunch of kids, and love renting to people with too many kids for the house. The last renters had four kids of their own, and a nephew living with them. Also, the MIL. Eight people in a three bedroom home. I hate rent houses in my neighborhood!

Anyway, I got done after the first quarter of the game, and the Steelers were dominating. The, I turned the game on, and the wheels fell off. :facepalm: It is halftime now. I'm not sure whether to watch the rest, or not. As a trueSteelers fan (known as Steelers Nation), I absolutely HATE the Ratbirds. :ninja:

Today I was going to pull out ALL the bromeliads in the front, re - scape (if that's a word!) the area with some rocks and tree trunks, then replace the bromeliads "artistically" :cool: :cool:
Except I got a call from a caterer friend last night about 9.30. "HELP! I've got to do some food for the Indian Embassy!!" so I'll be cooking Aloo ghobi, aviyal and gulab jamun this afternoon.Never a dull moment in the kitchen!
The fence posts set (in concrete) overnight, and I completed the fence. Not a long section. It is behind my garage, and separates my lot from the rent house lot next door (photo taken from rent house side). Galvanized steel posts set in concrete, cedar lumber, coated screws (no nails).


BTW, the Steelers beat the Ratbirds, and clinched a place in the playoffs. :woot:

Been awake for a while and it’s now 6.50am. I think it‘s time to eat that frog!

Anyone else “Eat that frog”??!

No. But here's one I prepared earlier.


That's above the toilet on the outside of the flyscreen mesh... during the middle of the night. It was raining. I don't think this one likes the rain.
I saw her, and no, she isn't. It wouldn't matter. Three kids from two marriages? I wouldn't want any part of that, even if she were hot. :eek:

It is entirely possible that she is a good person who made mistakes.
Some women and men are easily led and find themselves a victim of circumstance or in situations that they were simply too nice or too
stupid to get away from.

The single mothers I know who have a child from more than one marriage just don't see any bad in people, including the idiots they got together with. This lack of perceptiveness, an inability to see clearly has landed them with one of the hardest jobs in the world - being a single mum.
Hapless men have the advantage of not ending up pregnant, women not so much.
Society and life is extremely hard on single mums.

Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Personally I'm not impressed the landlord thinks it's fine to spill personal details about her before she's even moved in. It should be up to her to divulge what she wants when she's ready to, when she's had a moment to settle in and meet everyone. Moving house is supposed to be a fresh start.

Having said that I wouldn't want three rugrats moving in next door to me either, I hope they're nice and not a total pita!
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Having said that I wouldn't want three rugrats moving in next door to me either, I hope they're nice and not a total pita!

This! ^^^^^^^

He told me because I asked. I own the house next door, and I would have found out, anyway. I was just hoping it was not going to be a house full of kids next door... again.

Something to keep in mind, the homes in my neighborhood are zero-lot-line homes. They have very tiny yards, which is perfect for young couples and empty nesters. Why someone with kids would want to live in a home with a tiny yard, when a home with a big yard it the same price (often cheaper), boggles my mind. The kids end up playing in the street, shouting everything as loud as they can.

Something to keep in mind, the homes in my neighborhood are zero-lot-line homes. They have very tiny yards, which is perfect for young couples and empty nesters. Why someone with kids would want to live in a home with a tiny yard, when a home with a big yard it the same price (often cheaper), boggles my mind. The kids end up playing in the street, shouting everything as loud as they can.
Didn't you star in that film, erm, "Dennis the Menace"? Walter Matthau looks a lot like you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I've done my plans for today.
Made raspberry jam/jelly
Made strawberry syrup pretty much like the makkas syrup with their sundaes.
First attempt and I'm ultra happy.
Bottled 2 jars gerkins/ pickles.
I have another 6 gherkin plants due to start producing as well.
Sitting watching the cricket
Canterbury playing north island team.
I live in Christchurch which the greater area is Canterbury.
Its 24 deg c here.

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