Plans for today (2024)

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Very short ride (hopefully) to next stop in Ávila.
Mr SSOAP's turn to lead today and he's using his new Garmin so that will be a laugh 🤭
We renamed it to the "Garmin magical mystery tour"
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My plans for yesterday were to go in to the office, work, and come home, but those got upended on Wednesday evening. I was at the barn, and just about to leave, when I remembered I should top-up horsey’s water bucket. He had enough to last through the night, but I figured he’d appreciate the extra.

As I went to fill it, I had to step over a dead baby bird on the ground. Ew! As I filled his bucket, I glanced over at the bird, and noticed it moving - turns out it wasn’t dead after all. I thought about leaving it, but figured I should try my best to give it a fighting chance, so I picked it up, put it in a cardboard box, drove to the nearest gas station, and started calling wildlife rehabbers.

Of course, all the wildlife rehabbers were closed. So I drove home with the bird (which was moving around far more than I would have expected!), and did what all the websites say to do: put it in a slightly larger box with a towel, and put a heated pad under the box to keep it warm. I then locked it in my bathroom so the cats couldn’t get at it. I even stayed up way too late to make sure it got enough warmth (our heat pad turns off automatically after a certain period of time).

Amazingly, it survived the night and even chirped a bit at me and opened its mouth to beg for food the next morning!


I called a lot of rehabbers - it’s busy season and a lot were full, so I had trouble, but I finally found one who agreed to take it. Only thing - they were 1-1/2 hours drive away from me. So the newly-named Edgar and I got into the car, and I hauled him up there. Dropped him off along with a donation to hopefully to cover his rehab costs and then some. I hope he makes it. It’s just one silly little baby bird, but he was so feisty and fighting so hard. I’ll see if I can get an update from the rehab in a week or so.
Good on ya! Your karma points are soaring! 😍
Thanks Tasty!

I do hope he pulls through; I’ve done other bird rescues before, although always of adults (a cardinal, a robin, and even a great blue heron once). Unfortunately, none of them made it, but I have my fingers crossed for this little guy - he’s definitely a fighter. I figure even if he doesn’t make it, the donation I made can help other animals. They’ve got some pretty cool species there for rehab, including foxes, a deer, groundhogs, and even a beaver.
Thanks Tasty!

I do hope he pulls through; I’ve done other bird rescues before, although always of adults (a cardinal, a robin, and even a great blue heron once). Unfortunately, none of them made it, but I have my fingers crossed for this little guy - he’s definitely a fighter. I figure even if he doesn’t make it, the donation I made can help other animals. They’ve got some pretty cool species there for rehab, including foxes, a deer, groundhogs, and even a beaver.
I'm rooting for Edgar!
It's raining here. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work out so I checked emails, news, stock markets and the forum a bit. I've got a little work to do this afternoon, hoping the rain stops.
We renamed it to the "Garmin magical mystery tour"
To find my garmin when I bluetooth link it to my laptop it needed a name, so I went with the obvious -
so when I first joined here and saw your username I thought uhuh I KNOW that pain 😆
Tapas on the menu then?
Sadly not, it's a rustic place in a one (two) horse town and even though making gluten free food clearly concerns them a little bit they go out of their way to make sure I'm well fed so I say yes please, thankyou very much to whatever they offer!

It's always done with care. I'd even eat pea's if thats what was offered 😆
Gotta go pick up groceries for the inlaws and do some chores around their house (we had to put our chauffeur caps back on due to a new set of health issues for FIL as mentioned in the caregiver's thread), then going to nephew's house to see them and the new baby for a bit. I might have the energy to come home and fiddle with another entry for the recipe challenge or maybe I will just wait until tomorrow. I think the deadline is Monday around 6 a.m. US time so tomorrow is the only day I will have time if I don't get to it tonight.

Edit: I just checked and apparently it's midnight Monday across the pond for the deadline, so that's around 6 PM here (I think) so still the best time for me to fiddle with an entry is either tonight or Sunday.
Done for the day. Watched as they mowed the hay field this morning, made a trip to the outdoor power equipment store for some parts and took down, bucked and disposed of one tree. I would have done a second tree but I'm a month from being an octogenarian and I was exhausted after one. Making pasta with a frozen Bolognese sauce and veggies for dinner. Not enough energy to cook anything special. I'll tackle the other tree tomorrow.
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