Ok, I've got one more potato example, this one from Norway, - Potato Lefsa or Lefse. It's a simple alternative to Spanish tortillas, made with flour, potato, butter and cream or milk. It is flat griddled and if you find it in stores, sold in squarish sheets. That should tell you that it can be refrigerated, but serving it hot off the griddle, is preferable.
I've read claims that Lefsa is only served on Holidays, but that's bunk. Lefsa is used at mealtimes as a sort of handle on food. Instead of using silverware or directly, fingers, you grip food or sop things up with Lefsa. I've found it to be served more commonly with breakfast, but may be served with lunch and supper, too. It can be used as a wrap.
I really like Lefsa, but you can't find it in stores where I live now. California is not Minnesota. I would have to make my own.
I've read claims that Lefsa is only served on Holidays, but that's bunk. Lefsa is used at mealtimes as a sort of handle on food. Instead of using silverware or directly, fingers, you grip food or sop things up with Lefsa. I've found it to be served more commonly with breakfast, but may be served with lunch and supper, too. It can be used as a wrap.
I really like Lefsa, but you can't find it in stores where I live now. California is not Minnesota. I would have to make my own.