Forum GOD!
We finally got round to putting the tree up:
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Now comes the part I hate. Buying Xmas presents for my wife. This usually involves my spending 10 hours a day feverishly combing every single shopping mall in Caracas, trying hopelessly to find something that (a) catches my eye (b) might possibly be something she likes and (c) costs less than $6,000.
She doesn't read, so the easy option is out. She's got a new I phone. Any clothes I've ever bought her are either too big, too small, wrong colour, wrong style, wrong material, wrong brand, out of date, too avant-garde, etc. She's got 4,000 pairs of shoes and 10,000 handbags, but I can only buy more if they're made by Gucci, Versace, Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana, etc. Then of course, she won't like the colour.
This is definitely the most stressful time of the year for me, roaming around malls (that I only go to when I need something specific) and wasting entire days looking through windows.
I get her a $100 hair voucher and she spends a hundy on me also. I dont do shopping.
I could get anything?
Early afternoon pic xmas day of me and 3 grandson dressed In black shorts and black singlets.
I'll post when I do.