Preparing Fresh Garlic

I prefer using fresh unpeeled garlic because it gives a better taste and aroma for our cooking. I do not peel a whole clove of garlic and I peel clove of garlic that I will only use and put them in our garlic mincer and it is just easy. And no need to struggle in doing the chopping method.
You know, some things in life take a little effort. If you enjoy garlic, what's the big deal? When it's time to peel/prep it for cooking, just do a whole bunch at once and put it in a jar. Then you'll have what you need available for an entire week or so.
I am a lazy so-and-so who uses a press but I've got no issues with peeling the cloves as it takes seconds. To be fair, I only cook for two people at a time so I never need to use more than a clove or two.

I always fancied trying the razorblade method, as seen in Goodfellas though!
I like cutting up garlic into small pieces for cooking. It is a process I deem necessary to attain maximum flavor for my food. That way I do not loose any of the `juice' I would if I had to crush it beforehand. It makes it easier for me to cut up just enough for use at the time too.
We are lucky because there are peeled garlic here although we do not buy that. For those having difficulty with garlic, they buy the peeled that is ready for crushing. Crushed garlic is the usual way of using it. But we prefer the unpeeled garlic that we crush to remove the peel. It is easier when you use the mortar and pestle. It is difficult to peel the garlic using a knife, much faster and safer crushing it. And we only crush the garlic when needed. Storing crushed garlic in the fridge is not good.
I agree that there is something therapeutic about mincing garlic. I don't mind doing it at all. I love the smell of fresh garlic, there is nothing like it. I only peel the cloves I need and mince only the required amount for what I'm making. I've never even thought of storing it already minced. It might lose some of it's flavour and aroma. I have a great chef's knife that I use to mince garlice. I've even taught my 10 year old son to mince garlic and he loves doing it too.
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