Something rolled in a flour tortilla is a burrito unless it is deep fried then it becomes a chimichanga.Crickey, even in Staffordshire we accept that oatcakes can be rolled, folded or stacked and come with a variety of fillings despite the traditional version being stacked with cheese and bacon. Mind you over the border in Derbyshire, the actual oatcakes are make with milk instead of just water which is sacrilege... However, if you walk around the corner to the next oatcake shop, you will find they only come rolled or folded and the standard filling is cheese and onion...
Do you see what I'm getting at? Perhaps it varies depending on where in Mexico you are? I wonder because using Australia Google and the search terms I used, didn't yield a single stacked tortilla, all of them were rolled (heaven's forbid) or folded. I wonder if other filling are acceptable then why is it not acceptable to fold a tortilla?
Something rolled in a corn tortilla is either an enchilada or a flatua if fried.
Folded over are usually called soft tacos or taquitas.
It does depend on the region.
So like oatcakes, they can be done a variety of ways but they all have different names.