Quiz: In the Pink

Il n'y avait pas internet ici pour nombreux jours!!!
Do not wait for me as I'm still enjoying all the pink stuff here!!
So how long is this holiday exactly, (not that I'm jealous or anything)?


  • Jealous.png
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There are now so many answers its going to take me a while to work out if anyone has got them all right (I have to look up alternative names!). I'm beginning to wish I hadn't started this...but it might just be I'm tired :sleep:.

I''l have a look tomorrow and if no-one has them all I'll post a clue of some sort. And what about the bonus picture?
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I have a problem here. Every day I come looking here to see if we have been marked. Now it turns out the tutor/teacher is not working on our submissions and what's more, has to do more research? Instead of the students asking for an extension, the tutor is........:okay:Sounds to me like we students did good and need to give ourselves a pat on the back.
I have a problem here. Every day I come looking here to see if we have been marked. Now it turns out the tutor/teacher is not working on our submissions and what's more, has to do more research? Instead of the students asking for an extension, the tutor is........:okay:Sounds to me like we students did good and need to give ourselves a pat on the back.
Tutor has been in hospital and only got out last night. So she hasn't been 'in the pink'. I'm still feeling a bit tired...
Here are the scores so far (alphabetical order):

@Berties 5 out of 9
@chefszombat 5 out of 9
@classic33 7 out of 9
@SatNavSaysStraightOn 5 out of 9
@welsh dragon 3 out of 9
@winterybella 7 out of 9

There is one picture which nobody has named correctly. And one other which only one has answered correctly (although that may be in doubt). Nobody has answered the bonus question (except @classic33 who seems to have provided a list of chemical composition which I'm unable to verify).

This is beginning to sound like one of those horrible maths questions...
The amounts of ascorbic acid, β‐carotene and lycopene contents were 141.09mg/100g, 1.88mg/100g and 164.34μg/100g, respectively. The individual anthocyanin in roselle was characterised by TLC and HPLC. Delphinidin‐3‐sambubioside and cyanidin‐3‐sambubioside were the main anthocyanin present

Can't think why you're growing that though.
The amounts of ascorbic acid, β‐carotene and lycopene contents were 141.09mg/100g, 1.88mg/100g and 164.34μg/100g, respectively. The individual anthocyanin inroselle was characterised by TLC and HPLC. Delphinidin‐3‐sambubioside andcyanidin‐3‐sambubioside were the main anthocyanin present in roselle.
The amounts of ascorbic acid, β‐carotene and lycopene contents were 141.09mg/100g, 1.88mg/100g and 164.34μg/100g, respectively. The individual anthocyanin inroselle was characterised by TLC and HPLC. Delphinidin‐3‐sambubioside andcyanidin‐3‐sambubioside were the main anthocyanin present in roselle.
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