Quiz: Its all in the stars

Top left-star anise, left middle row-papaya, right middle row ochra, left bottom row-tomato, bottom row middle-kiwi
Excellent work. You have at least one wrong, however. But you are setting a shining example to others who only seem to post things about each other!
Excellent work. You have at least one wrong, however. But you are setting a shining example to others who only seem to post things about each other!

I know which one is wrong, I think one of the items I didn't mention is a fruit from the caribbean
Three different types of Pass!
:) Yes there are three of them. I tried my very best to name them but I just relied on what I really know and what is familiar to me. I wish Google could come in handy but that would not help because I am looking at photos.
:) Yes there are three of them. I tried my very best to name them but I just relied on what I really know and what is familiar to me. I wish Google could come in handy but that would not help because I am looking at photos.
You may be surprised how much people do use Google to get the quiz answers! There are ways...
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