A bounee is a wooly hat, a beanie.
Mon vien is "my old (friend)"
Muzzy is "off, sour, moldy"
'picks' we think comes from the French, pique and means itchy, scratchy hence a jumper can 'pick'.
Boudiyax is an expression of disgust. Cor boudiyax, the milks gone muzzy.
Goulou, slang for throat/mouth.
Foutou or futu is very rude. It can mean very tired or very broken.
Budloe is the guy you burn on Guy Fawkes night. Apparently it comes from Bout d l'an a kind of Yule log that used to be burnt near the end of the year. They just combined the two celebrations.
Cor damme self explanatory, cor chapin, my hat!
Bathers, swimming trunks. A wrap is a large towel sewn into a cylinder shape with elastic round the top opening. It allows you to get changed on the beach while preserving your modesty.
Plimsoles = trainers, pumps, bumpers, sneakers
Bouzettes = cow pats. They used to be dried and burnt in the fire. Incidentally Guernsey milk is allegedly the best in the world.
Some "Texan" to go with that...
All hat and no cattle.
Translation: He often speaks highly of himself, but does not follow through with his actions.
Example: Don't pay no attention ole' bubba, he's all hat and no cattle.
That dog won't hunt.
Translation: That isn't going to work.
Example: But when we pay billions for planes that won't fly, billions for tanks that won't fire and billions for systems that won't work, that old dog won't hunt. (Former Texas Governor Ann Richards)
Fixin' to.
Translation: “About to.”
Example: I'm fixin' to open up a can of whoopa$$ on you.
Might could.
Translation: I may be able to.
Example: I'm busy this weekend, but I might could help fix your truck next weekend.
Usta could.
Translation: I used to be a able to.
Example: I usta could eat three of them steaks and not be full.
Translation: How you address two or more people.
Example: Y'all need anything at the store.
Right quick:
Translation: Right away or very quickly.
Examples: I'll be there right quick, or I need to run to the store right quick.
I reckon.
Translation: I believe that is true.
Example: I recon that hole in the roof ain't gonna' fix itself.
Over yonder.
Translation: Over in that direction a ways.
Example. Last time I saw your dog, he was over yonder by the pond.