Relaxing while cooking ...

Cooking should be relaxing, but it usually isn't for me. This is because I need to do things in such a concentrated manner because my cooking time is limited, and I'm always cooking late at night (hence the avatar name). That doesn't mean that it's stressful: I love the rush of blasting through everything I need to do to get my meal prepared.

But, I usually do find myself cooking while watching a sporting event. The NBA playoffs are starting tomorrow, so this is sure to be a distraction. This can lead to trouble if the game is particularly interesting (wasn't I supposed to be watching that garlic in the pan??) But, I haven't ruined anything in a long time, so I think I've got things figured out.

I will enjoy a relaxing beverage with the completed dish (after taking a photo), but not before.
I like listening to music while cooking.
I like it when the kitchen smells of freshly baked dough :D:D

Dinner rolls..jpg

Sort of like THIS?!! :wink:
I don't think it's got to do with anything, but I love the smell of bacon..! Ooo... bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon .......!! :giggle::hyper::hungry:
If it's the afternoon, it might be a glass of wine.
Music is also good. Depends on my mood.
I have a wonderful view out my prep station window. (I much prefer having the window over the prep station than over the sink. The sink faces out to the dining area so I can talk to any guests if here - or if a guest is volunteering for cleanup, she or he can talk to anyone else at the table.

No added scents. I love the smell of cooking food too much. Even broccoli.
(I admit I've never smelled durian.)
They have durian on occasion at the big Asian market we go to. I've been tempted just for the experience.
I do very well when my Honey is not in the kitchen with me
The first time I used my mandolin Sweet G was in the kitchen distracting me. I sliced the tips off of 3 fingers
Recently I was slicing onions with my very sharp Japanese Chef knife. Honey Bear distracted me and I cut a slice off of my left ring finger just above the nail. Bled like a stuck pig
Today is the first day that I can put my left hand in water and not have the scab get soggy
Really gross.
I do very well when my Honey is not in the kitchen with me
The first time I used my mandolin Sweet G was in the kitchen distracting me. I sliced the tips off of 3 fingers
Recently I was slicing onions with my very sharp Japanese Chef knife. Honey Bear distracted me and I cut a slice off of my left ring finger just above the nail. Bled like a stuck pig
Today is the first day that I can put my left hand in water and not have the scab get soggy
Really gross.
Oooooooooch! :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:
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