Research Shows...


Legendary Member
14 Nov 2012
Local time
8:36 PM
Durham NE. England
The men /women in white coats have struck again !! Apparently now hot drinks can cause cancer of the oesophagus and good old coffee has been downgraded on the risk list - so you can drink your coffee safely now provided it's cold. Ho Hum :o_o:
Well this is news to me. I will have to tame down the heat in my beverages a bit from now on then, although I don't like drinking tea, coffee or chocolate drinks lukewarm. I will still drink them hot, but not very hot. What about very cold drinks? I do know that warm drinks digest quicker than cold ones, but I hope there is nothing wrong with drinking very cold drinks.
Just wait a little while. I'm sure very soon 'research' will show .... [but by then hot drinks will be ok again] :scratchhead:
I've never liked my hot drinks "piping hot" anyway, and always leave them to cool a little before drinking them. Same with really hot food too. I just can't tollerate the high temperature in my mouth / throat. It feels uncomfortable and takes away the enjoyment.

My father-in-law, on the other hand, used to like his "Builder's tea" pouring the second the kettle boiled and handing to him seconds later; "it's not proper tea otherwise!" :happy:

I love how the headline condenses the report down to 'probably' when the comments arise from a review of scientific studies, not an actual real study; and I guess most people whizzing through the article will miss these key words:
Christopher Wild, agency director, said: “These results suggest that drinking very hot beverages is one probable cause of oesophageal cancer and that it is the temperature, rather than the drinks themselves, that appears to be responsible.”

So no actual real, quantifiable, direct, absolute, definite, concrete, evidence of hot drinks causing cancer, just a suggestion that they might?

No doubt a large proportion of people reading the article (and a good number of those repeating and rewriting it elsewhere) will condense it further to does cause cancer.

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I would suggest that 90% of 'research' is 'probably' - the truth is they very rarely do have any 100% hard facts. The 'scientists keep themselves on the gravy train very nicely by peddling 'maybe' and then changing their minds a little while later. :whistling:
I would suggest that 90% of 'research' is 'probably' - the truth is they very rarely do have any 100% hard facts. The 'scientists keep themselves on the gravy train very nicely by peddling 'maybe' and then changing their minds a little while later. :whistling:

It appears there may be some truth to that. :happy:
Many years ago, I did some research that involved speaking to people who travelled to work by bike. I found that around 15% of them had suffered some form of accident. None, however, had been involved in an accident while riding a panther. The conclusion was very clear.
Very hot drinks 'probably' cause cancer, UN says

"Organisation's cancer research agency says beverages consumed at more than 65C are probably linked to oesophageal cancer."

Probably quite safe unless you drink your beverage without milk, or drink instant coffee. I just made a mug of tea as normal, and by the time it had brewed for 5 mins then cold milk added the temperature had dropped to 57° C. I guess black coffee from a machine would be much hotter though.
Don't come to Australia then... I like my lattes, coffees, not chocolates, ok all hot drinks HOT not luke warm... To get them at even a passable degree of warmth I have had to take to ordering them extra hot! At home, that extra hot would be going back into the microwave for another minute to ensure I could sip it rather than gulp it down quickly before it was cold!
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