Just an anecdote. I was doing 3-4 Cooking Courses a month back in 2017 - 2018, about 15-20 people at a time. At an Indian Food course, one of the participants spoke out " I'm Jewish". So I said, "right, my knowledge of Kosher cuisine is round about zero, so anything you don't want to eat, that's fine"If I can be frank, personally, I have come to hate mods and special requests.
10 minutes later, as I was making some chapattis " Oh, I'm alergic to gluten!" Sorry missus - there are 10 different dishes, so just avoid the bread.As I grabbed a handful of chiles and dissected them to explain why and how they burn, how to taste them, etc., she piped up again:
"OHHH! I can't eat anything spicy!"
I'm glad I took a deep breath before I answered because the first thing that came into my head was " Well why the f*** are you here then???" but I actually said something like " Indian food is spicy, hot, piquant and has a lot of very different combinations to Western food. That's the way it is. Once I give you the recipes, you're welcome to change any ingredients you like".
Diplomat for a day. Then the damn woman ate everything I'd cooked