How about different and simple ? Cukes.
Take cukes, prrobaby a whole one, the seedless ones are a bit bbetter. Peel it and then score it with a fork lengthwise. Yjen slice, fairly thin. Chop up some onions, maybe a fourth of the amount of cuke you got. Get a container.
Layer them in. onion then cukes then salt then sour cream. Next, onion them cukes then salt then sour cream. continue until supply is exhausted.
Put in sealed container and in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
We used to get this at Grandma's with Sunday dinner. With the spuds, roast, caarrots and whateever, you got a bit of on the plate. There was usually more if you wanted. I have seen people lap this up ater everyone went to the basement for smoke or to play pinochle with Grampa. He smoked the cigars. It didn't bother me, and even if it did that Man did more for me to grow up than anyone else, including my own Father.
I was the youngest wo could paly and I always wound up Grampa's patner, and nobody else wanted to be because he was just that good."How come you threw an aceout on the third trick ? You know he was out of aces and you had tens".
The game plays like spades but it has tricks instead o books. So the third trick, when there are, hmm, 24 I think. Yeah, has to be because there are 96 cards. we always played double deck but we palyed auction freezout which is exceptionally um,, PITA. but you are expected to remember it when playing with Grampa.
But Grampa was a trip.
Many people would say "That ain't no salad" and I coud not really disagree too much., It is but it is so simple that, well, you know.