Sandwich Fillings

Not sure about cheese on a chip butty... Yuck.... It was bad enough having to make one using a fake French baguette style bread when I worked in a school... But at least the chips were chunky chips and had some potato in them!

A chip baguette? Quelle horreur!

The cheese worked for me, but then most things work for me with the addition of cheese!
Wait, now I'm getting really confused!

Are crisps then like french fries, or like dry potato chips (lays, ruffles, etc.)?

When you says crisps, is that different from chips (like fish and chips)?
Wait, now I'm getting really confused!

Are crisps then like french fries, or like dry potato chips (lays, ruffles, etc.)?

When you says crisps, is that different from chips (like fish and chips)?

UK crisps are crunchy as in these things... crisps.jpg

UK chips are chunky as in these things....0000000large-chips.png

French Fries are thin and lack potato as in these things french-fries-300x300.jpg

And don't start us on biscuits and cookies ;)
This language problem takes a while.

I have had to become bilingual due to my other job moderating on an American based electric car forum.
Not sure I know the crackers one, but even oatcakes where an issue here (in this household) along with baps, muffins , stotties, barm cakes, tatties, square sausage and dumpling etc and my husband and I only lived 35 miles apart as the crow flies when we met! :o_o:

Apparently, a Graham cracker is a digestive biscuit. To be fair, otherwise the cracker comparison is fairly similar.

I think the greatest British contribution to language is the number of different names there are for a bread roll.
I have tried spaghette as a filling for sandwich. Quite Yummy. I have also have tried pancit a local noodle dish with bread equally delicious.
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