I found this on Wiki:By its descriptive name, they are not sandwiches. And they are originally Danish (I think).
Take rugby or football or even American football. Two guys (or women) "sandwiching" an opponent - couldn't work if there was only one.
"A direct precursor to the English sandwich may be found in the Netherlands of the 17th century, where the naturalist John Rayobserved that in the taverns beef hung from the rafters "which they cut into thin slices and eat with bread and butter laying the slices upon the butter."
Now we know who to blame for the butter and all!

Then it says this (hold on to your hats, Brits!):
"In Great Britain, open sandwiches are rare outside of Scandinavian delicatessens. Instead, there is "on toast" (e.g., cheese on toast). However, this is considered a sandwich."
Emphasis mine.

Obviously, this whole sandwich thing goes deeper than we suspected. No doubt there are New World Order types involved, probably in cahoots with the ones hiding the extraterrestrials from us, to keep us all focused on the whole "what is a sandwich, anyway?" controversy, which keeps us from asking the real questions, like where Elvis is, and whether a colony of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) are living on Mars controlling our climate!