Scaling up chocolate quinoa


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
7:29 AM
The recipe below is fine for one portion. I want to make 3 portions. Should I just treble everything?



83 g quinoa raw (1 500g packet divided into 6)
315 ml water
23g cacao powder with 0.5 tsp engevita or 2 tsp wattleseed
17g of sugar.
14g Truvia
1 tbsp smoked paprika
0.5 tsp ginger
0.125 tsp mild chilli powder or ground cumin
0.25 tsp salt
18g dark chocolate (6 squares Green and Blacks 85% - vary according to preferences)
16g Tahina
0.5 tsp rapeseed oil
0.25 tsp Vanilla extract


Boil the quinoa then simmer the quinoa in water for 16 minutes
Add dark chocolate and stir.
Once chocolate has melted, switch off gas.
Add remaining ingredients (listed in blue), tahina, oil and vanilla extract
Stir vigorously. Ideally it will all combine together like dough.
Cover and leave for about 2 minutes before serving, so vanilla extract can suffuse the rest.
I put the question into miscellaneous as I think that the question of scaling up things like water, spices and oil go beyond this particular recipe.
I pretty much trebled everything except for doubling the mild chilli powder and approximately doubling the water.
I also used buckwheat instead of quinoa which gave me the same flavour as buckwheat flour. This surprised me as I thought the water would completely dissipate the flavour.
I had this advice on adding Earthiness to the recipe from the author of my spice bible.

Well, unroasted buckwheat tastes a bit like cardboard, so I’m not sure why you’d want the same flavour.

However, If it’s earthiness you are after with a hint of spice, perhaps our smoothie booster? Or adding spice dust when serving to complement the chocolate

See these links for details.

I haven't tried them myself.
On the Jewish Passover, I cannot have Tahina, so am thinking of using almond or cashew butter instead.
Is it a one to one substitution?
Should I add the nut butter at the end as I do with the tahina?
Should I reduce the sugar due to nut butter having more sugar than tahina?

Also wondering if there is a particular sugar you would recommend. I've tried coconut, brown and castor and haven't noticed a substantial difference.
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Liquid sugars as honey, date molasses or agave syrup might help with the mixing. Besides of that, almond or cashew butters are quite delicious, but to substitute tahina as a super traditional dish is not quite easy. It's more a culture problem, but there're hobby chefs preparing Ramen bowls with spaghetti, so feel free and do what you want.

What's on the menu so far?
Since you asked here they are. I'm open to any thoughts you may have. I'm using quinoa and buckwheat as I have a grain for breakfast and lunch, so want to avoid a grain when I have these for dinner. They are also complete proteins.

QUINOA CHOCOLATE PORRIDGE 2 - slightly revised from what's above

Ingredients (experiment with ingredients in red). Easier to get the ingredients listed in blue ready before starting. Put them in a bowl.

83 g quinoa raw (1 500g packet divided into 6)
340 ml water
27g cacao powder
0.5 tsp engevita or 1 tsp wattleseed
17g of sugar.
15g Truvia
1 tbsp smoked paprika
1.5 tsp macaroot powder
0.5 tsp ginger
0.125 ground cumin or slightly more mild chilli powder. 0.25 tsp too much of either.
0.5 tsp salt
18g dark chocolate (6 squares Green and Blacks 85% - vary according to preferences)
18g Tahina
0.25 tsp Vanilla extract


Boil the quinoa then simmer the quinoa in water for 18 minutes
Add dark chocolate and stir.
Once chocolate has melted, switch off gas.
Let cool for 30 seconds
Add remaining ingredients (listed in blue), tahina and vanilla extract
Stir vigorously. Ideally it will all combine together like dough. Too much water and flavour is lost. Too little water makes it more difficult to distribute the flavour evenly with stirring.

Cover and leave for about 1 minute before serving, so vanilla extract can suffuse the rest.



83 g quinoa raw (1 500g packet divided into 6)
300 ml water
Maybe 0.5 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
7g macaroot
15g sugar
0.25 tsp salt
1 tbsp smoked paprika
0.125 tsp mild chilli powder or 1 tsp black peppercorns freshly ground.
15g tahina


Boil the quinoa then simmer the quinoa in water for 18 minutes
Add remaining ingredients, stir vigorously and serve. Add more water if necessary.

Buckwheat and Tahina Savoury


83g buckwheat
280g water
15g tahina
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp tabasco chipotle
1 tbsp tamari sauce or 0.25 tsp salt
12g Engevita


Add water to buckwheat.
Bring to boil then cover and simmer for 18 minutes.
Add remaining ingredients, stir vigorously and serve.
I've found that it's much nicer if I let it cool for about 30 seconds before adding the other ingredients.
I guess you're the one having more experience with quinoa and buckwheat.
Let us know how it went.
If I rinse the quinoa, the chocolate doesn’t taste as good. On the other hand there is no aftertaste. Conversely, if I don’t rinse, there is an aftertaste after about 10 minutes, but the chocolate tastes better for those vital seconds after eating.

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds?

Quinoa Chocolate Porridge 2

(experiment with ingredients in red). Easier to get the ingredients listed in blue ready before starting. Put them in a bowl. Suggestion: Stir the powder to mix it all through then add tahina. Add vanilla extract at the end.

83 g white quinoa raw (1 500g packet divided into 6). Slightly less water for black quinoa.
310 ml water
18g dark chocolate (6 squares Green and Blacks 85% - vary according to preferences)
27g cacao powder
20g of sugar.
12g Truvia
10g smoked paprika
9g macaroot powder
1 tsp sumac
0.5 tsp salt
0.125 tsp cumin
18g Tahina
0.25 tsp Vanilla extract


Boil the quinoa until it’s bubbling vigorously then simmer the quinoa in water for 18 minutes
Add dark chocolate and stir.
Once chocolate has melted, switch off gas.
Let cool for 30-60 seconds.
Add remaining ingredients (listed in blue), tahina and vanilla extract
Stir vigorously. Ideally it will all combine together like dough.
Cover and leave for about 1 minute before serving, so vanilla extract can suffuse the rest.
I suppose the best solution is to simply clean my teeth when I feel the aftertaste.
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