That will be just fine. Is this your cellar? If so I'm booking a flight to Dallas, as soon as.

WOW!! A cellar to be proud of.
To be honest I think people are panic for little reasons about the virus itself but everything closed is different. I will make preparation just in case.I'm honestly not worried at all about supplies. If I did have to be in isolation my freezers are in any case full and I always have loads of tins of beans etc. plus flour etc. I reckon I could probably survive for a year on what is here already!
I use on-line supermarket delivery in any case so unless that gets suspended (very unlikely in my view) I can get all the fresh food I need.
So I have just had a message from the doctors patients are not to go to the surgery. And we will be dealt with by phone! So it appears that it has started! I have enough meds for a good three weeks but am running low on pain relief.
Sarana x
I am more concerned about the knee jerk panic than I am about the virus.
I went grocery shopping Wednesday - just because I needed to. I shop Costco for a lot of things - especially paper goods and cleaning supplies. I am low on toilet paper. Not a roll to be found.
As for food. Two freezers full of meat, poultry and seafood. I buy milk at Costco - two gallons at a time - on for the fridge and one for the freezer. I may pick up a couple of extra gallons for the freezer. I did pick up cooking oil and EVOO. Just because I was low. I do not keep a lot of canned goods. Tomato products, a few tins of tuna. I went through the pantry and spice cabinet to check for basics. There are a few items that I may not have a two week supply of. Fresh veggies are another issue. I rarely use canned veggies. I may pick up a few packages of frozen veggies - the things that we use most.
Of course I have to have a reserve of essentials like vodka and wine.
My greatest concern is the economic impact.
Well, I did stop at Kroger today, and did partake in what I'd consider minor stocking up:
4 cans tuna
3 lbs ground beef
3 lbs bacon
5 cans beans
5 cans tomatoes
1 bundle (?) water
3 Brita filters
3 lbs wet dog food
2 lbs butter
2 gallons milk
1 gallon half-n-half
2 dozen eggs (and I dropped and cracked 5)
2 jars peanut butter
2 lbs lunchmeat
1 lb cheese
Giant box Corn Flakes
Giant box Cherrios
Big container popcorn
Big jar mayonnaise
We already have a normal stock of stuff, so this sets us ok for three weeks or so.
I had to laugh at the empty toilet paper aisle. I don't know about you, but if I felt I needed to stock up on TP, and all the TP were gone, my next choice would be...paper towels.
Toilet paper...100% gone. Paper towels...completely stocked. Either the absolute last person who wanted TP got the absolute last package, or there're a bunch of people walking around with the mindset, "If I can't clean my bottom with proper toilet paper, then I shall not clean it at all!"![]()