Smashed fried eggs on toast with capers and Aleppo chilli flakes:
That looks really good.
That looks really good.
I have a mental block on eating whole capers - I have to chop them up! I have no idea why…
Did you Butter your toast before topping it with the Egg?
Did you Butter your toast before topping it with the Egg?
I'm going to try this!
Since I'm losing weight I'm not buttering my toast for scrambled eggs either, it's the little things like that that make the difference in the long term. To be honest because the scrambled eggs are so creamy I don't miss it much.Well, I didn't - but that's to save on calories. It would no doubt taste better with butter!
Thank you for sharing. Certainly the cooked breakfast keeps one full longer, but one has to adapt, of course. For me too, the cooked breakfast is more a weekend treat.I don't think that it's climate driven. If we have fruit in the house, I'll have fruit for breakfast - if not it's either pâté on crackers/toast or salsa.
If I was back in UK and if I had time, I'd have a cooked breakfast. When I worked for a living starting at 06:00 didn't give any time to cook a breakfast so I would usually eat one at 9:00 or 10:00 in the works canteen.
Added benefit is that it’s a “big” breakfast, very filling, and low points on WW, since stewed tomatoes and eggs are both zero-point items.