Show me your breakfast (2024)

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DH gave me the dirtiest side-eye glare when I requested an Orange Mimosa (they have Peach and Strawberry as well), but then all the other tables around us, both the Mister & Missus ordered and adult beverage ... he was the only teetotaler! :laugh:
The addition of booze has been a little controversial here, being at the top edge of the Bible Belt and Cracker Barrel having the reputation of being a good ol’ down-home Christian-friendly after-church brunch spot, but I’m definitely getting a mimosa next time we’re there.

In Key West on Duval Street
DH's leftovers from yesterday

I forgot that there were 3 triangles of French Toast in there as well ... I toasted his favorite Cinnamon Raisin bread 🤷‍♀️ - not pictured is a goodly sized bowl of diced Cantaloupe and a glass of Cranberry Juice to wash down those AM pills (I've made up four different pill boxes - you know the ones with M T W TH FRI SAT SUN on the top of each segment - and labeled each one as to when they are to be taken)
DH: I can't eat all of this! It's too much!
Moi: well, eat what you can but mainly finish the fruit and veg, ok?
empty plates.JPG
DH's leftovers from yesterday
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I forgot that there were 3 triangles of French Toast in there as well ... I toasted his favorite Cinnamon Raisin bread 🤷‍♀️ - not pictured is a goodly sized bowl of diced Cantaloupe and a glass of Cranberry Juice to wash down those AM pills (I've made up four different pill boxes - you know the ones with M T W TH FRI SAT SUN on the top of each segment - and labeled each one as to when they are to be taken)
DH: I can't eat all of this! It's too much!
Moi: well, eat what you can but mainly finish the fruit and veg, ok?
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Did he lick the plates free of crumbs and powdered sugar?
I’m at the point where if I scroll up from the bottom of the page I can often guess whose food I’m looking at before I see the name and this one confused me! My immediate response was this is satnavs then confusion at what looks like a dairy chocolate spread then relief when I recognised the blue and red rings on your plate.

This begs the question am I spending too much time on here?
I’m going with no 😂
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