Show me your breakfast

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I only use ketchup on fries (chips). Never ketchup at breakfast.

I can't say that I've ever "dipped" chips in ketchup. If the chips are with battered fish then it has to be salt and vinegar for me. Anything else it would be brown sauce (preferably "Chop" Yorkshire sauce) or just plain salt.
At 6am: my pre-breakfast has been a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of turmeric, a tsp of honey and a drizzle of lemon juice.
At 8.30am: breakfast has been a cup of coffee and some choco biscuits
It was all going so well, until you got to the biscuits! I had a bottled drink this week that was water flavoured with turmeric and lemon juice. It was lovely. I went through a phase of drinking lemon juice in hot water intead of tea in a morning. Not sure why I stopped.
Over here, ketchup on a hot dog is frowned upon if you are over ten years old. :rolleyes:

I only use ketchup on fries (chips). Never ketchup at breakfast.

I like ketchup a lot more as an ingredient than I do as a condiment on its own.
It was all going so well, until you got to the biscuits! I had a bottled drink this week that was water flavoured with turmeric and lemon juice. It was lovely. I went through a phase of drinking lemon juice in hot water intead of tea in a morning. Not sure why I stopped.

Oh no no, it was just better when I got to the biscuits! I was probably preparing the escalation to them, not feeling too much guilty.
I only ate 2 :angelic:

I usually put a pinch of turmeric and lemon juice in the water bottle that I carry with me when I go for a run. Really an excellent solution, also very refreshing.

Drinking lemon juice in hot water is a good habit (with biscuits to grab)
I didn't know that. Everyone uses it in the UK!
There are definitely people here who do that, but it's pretty much accepted that to do so is akin to putting your trousers on backwards or eating your breakfast cereal with motor oil instead of milk.

If you're at a fair or something and do that, someone will almost always say something to you, in that joking-but-not-really voice we all know.

If you're in Chicago, which seems to be Ground Zero for all things hot dog, it won't be a joking voice. It'll be deadly serious. There's more than one story of Chicago hot dog counters throwing people out for asking for ketchup (possibly apocryphal). A lot of hot dog places don't even have it on premises. Some do, but you have to put it on yourself, they won't touch it, and you'll usually get a remark like, "It's over there, you can ruin that yourself if you want to."

Even the universally-beloved President Obama is on record as saying ketchup on a hot dog after adolescence is a no-no. If he said it, it must be true! 🇺🇸 🌭

Notice there's no ketchup on that emoji...:whistling:
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