Show me your local market. I love markets.

Around here, "market" is just a smaller version of a supermarket, so it can be indoors, one seller.

Truth is, we don't really say "market" all that much, we usually say, "going to the grocery store," or "getting some groceries."

The exception is the weekly farmer's market, but we'd specifically say "farmer's market."

Here's a link to our local one, nine vendors, and they shut down in the winter. Also, they're open only two days a month (every other Saturday):

Clinton County Farmers' Market

If I go into the city (about 50 minutes high-speed drive), I can go to Findlay Market. The building itself is historic, and there are independently-owned shops inside and out:

Findlay Market

15 years ago, you'd be crazy to go there without a security detail, but it's been cleaned up/gentrified considerably.
Outdoor Sidewalk Market ...


Heck with the Bell Peppers and Eggplant ... What have we here?


Now where was I? Oh yeah, at the sidewalk market ...
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