Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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I'm getting a tan


What a precious girl!

3 of our last 4 cats lived to be "seniors"

I had a beautiful male tuxedo - Bandit. He showed up as a kitten with most of his tail bitten off. The wound was awful - lots of infection. The Vet had to remove all but one joint of his tail - lots of antibiotics. He was a beautiful, sweet, loving cat. Unfortunately he was obese. He died from heart failure at 10 years old.

Pepper was a pretty little black and white cat rescued from a litter of a feral mom. She lived to be 20.

Callie - a beautiful, short haired calico that showed up at Georges hunting camp. She lived to be 19.

Patches - every color imaginable. Taken from a mean person who was going to drown her. She died at 22.

Callie and Patches were the last 2 to die. Callie died the August before I adopted Sallie Sue. Patches died the following February and Daisy Faye was adopted in April.

The 4 cats and a dog, Sweetie, are all buried in the back yard. No markers or anything like that. Just a corner in the back that we call the Pet Cemetery.
I think they want some more! Tough, cos there isn't any :laugh:


What you can't see is the male black cat who cannot jump or climb. He was winding his way round my feet while I was taking this photo. I think he wanted some more too! The black cat on the left of the photo is THAT cat who no one argues with.
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