How fantastic to have such creatures in your back yard. What is it?Not really a pet, more of a yard guest. Of course we had to provide a feeding station.
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How fantastic to have such creatures in your back yard. What is it?
She died from the cold weather a few years ago. I couldn't find her to bring in the house that year. Iguanas go into a death like state when it gets really cold here. Many fall out of trees and get crushed when they hit the ground or drown if they fall in the water.
They are an invasive species. Like lion fish are invasive. We have many invasive species in Florida. Some only show up in winter.Oh!That is sad. Why do they need to be eradicated?
This is our new yard pet. We've had her for a couple of years. She's about 6 to 6-1/2 inches from nose to tip of tail. Craig buys mealworms to feed her. She can be quite pushy about getting them. Yesterday, she brought a boyfriend. He's almost twice her size
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She is cute
And some sort of enormous constrictor type snake that have become a massive problem there. From what I have read the issue is the release of exotic pets.They are an invasive species. Like lion fish are invasive. We have many invasive species in Florida. Some only show up in winter.Green iguanas are herbivores. We also have a breeding populations of Nile monitors and tagus. These lizards are carnivores.
And some sort of enormous constrictor type snake that have become a massive problem there. From what I have read the issue is the release of exotic pets.