Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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Piglet soon realised that putting her head into the dishwasher just as I was loading a gravy boat into the top drawer was not her best move of the day.
My Girls do the same thing . They are house cats and will not go out on their own . If I am on the patio they will come out and bask in the sun. My younger girl, Daisy will sit on the edge of the patio twitching her tail and butt while watching the birds and squirrels on the bird feeder . My older girl, Sallie never gets more than 10' away from me . Neither of them will walk on the grass and if there is water on the concrete they do a funny paw shake, paw shake thing. G's friends sometimes laugh . G is "a man's man. " Outdoors man, hunter, fisherman but a sucker for our girls .
It's funny how we spoil pets eh? Daughters dog is asleep on the couch, he walks up to it and looks at me, I have to say on the couch, and he gets on it. Wife tried to,get him off the other day, he just looked at me and sat back down again. It's funny as.

When we tell the dog to do something she doesn't want to do, she'll half-assed snap, and then do what she's told, all the time with the worst "I hate you" look on her face. :laugh:
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