Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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And our special kitty, Sammy Davis Jr., Jr..

Sammy has FIV, so he has to be carefully monitored around the other cats. He lives mostly in the TV room upstairs, but he gets "yard time" through the rest of the house everyday under supervision.

No they are not clipped! Greyhounds' ears are like semaphore signals :DView attachment 6482

Just like my Manchester! His are supposed to be 'button ears' but they go all over the shop. One up, one down etc. But I really didn't know that they moved about so much in Greyhounds. I do think your mutt has particularly expressive ones though!
Two ears up means full alert - squirrel, another greyhound outside, someone coming up the path, strange cat in the garden, strange dog walking past the gate, people walking past the gate, Tesco or Sainsburys or Riverford delivery turning up, neighbour from hell coming home, nice neighbour coming home..... He doesn't take any notice of the regular milkman or postman though.
Purty kitty, Yorky.

I miss my ol' Calico kitty Doody.

Do you have to do all of the licensing and shots and so on in Thailand?

Lie if necessary, as it were.
Do you have to do all of the licensing and shots and so on in Thailand?

Lie if necessary, as it were.

Licences are not required for either cats nor dogs. Our cats have had and continue to have all the vaccines which are considered necessary in the West. They each have a "passport" which details the injections that they've had.
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