Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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Beautiful vipers.
Snake are too much trouble for someone as lazy as me 🤣 but I've had a few non venomous.
A big problem for us in UK is we need a dwa (Dangerous wild animals) licence to keep anything good.
Massive fines plus potentially mail for keeping without a licence.
Beautiful vipers.
Snake are too much trouble for someone as lazy as me 🤣 but I've had a few non venomous.
A big problem for us in UK is we need a dwa (Dangerous wild animals) licence to keep anything good.
Massive fines plus potentially mail for keeping without a licence.
They are? I guess they are.😊
I'd have to get accustomed merely looking at photos and not freezing. But that is just me. I respect them tremendously though.

Well it does make sense to ask for a licence. To me. One does not want just anyone messing with the animals and people all around them...
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In N.Z They have no venomous snake but they have a VERY venomous native spider.
Iirc it's a Latrodectus katipo.
Latrodectus are the Black Widow family.
Only the females bite really, the males are too small.
I've never bred or even seen L.katipo but bred L. mactans once or twice (mate works in Bristol Zoo and wanted a hand).
Lovely animals.

Never seen or heard of anyone getting bitten. By a katipo, I nearly added that to my original comment but it doesn't figure here in the South Island.
The more pest that has a nasty bite, but never fatal, is the whitetail spider. I've seen one I think. They seem to live in certain areas.
Definitely no snakes although the odd one turns up dead in imported containers. Too cold here.

We had a horrendous thunderstorm this afternoon and, unnoticed, the brown dog sneaked into the house and hid behind the front door. She knows that she's not permitted in the house but even I didn't have the heart to throw her out. As soon as the storm was over, she came back out.
We had a horrendous thunderstorm this afternoon and, unnoticed, the brown dog sneaked into the house and hid behind the front door. She knows that she's not permitted in the house but even I didn't have the heart to throw her out. As soon as the storm was over, she came back out.

Your dog isn't allowed in the house? :(

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