Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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Coyotes are more of an issue -- especially when they get ahold of an ACME catalog. :D
I'm still not sure whether to laugh or "kill" our Mindy kitty. She plays with our black male pug in particular by swatting at him as he walks by or tackling him with her front legs wrapped around his neck while pretending to tear his throat out (she never bites, just opens her mouth on him), and they chase each other up and down the hallway, as well as pouncing from behind a sheet hanging down from the bed, from a box on the floor (she has a packing box fetish of sitting/hiding in them so we leave boxes from anything new brought into the house on the floor for her until they lose the "new" box smell and she loses interest) or any other kind of game she can think of. This is also a cat who will play fetch when she's in the mood, but only when it is 1 on 1. She won't fetch if there is another person or fur baby around. My guess is that she doesn't want any witnesses to her being undignified. She also craves attention at night and will "talk" to us and/or pat our faces so that we will wake up and pet her at least once a night. If she starts to run out or actually runs out of food at night, then we get multiple visits.

I normally sleep with just a sheet and my feet uncovered, which I was doing last night. Mindy was apparently unsatisfied with her normal pet(s) and apparently wanted to play, as in the dead of night, with me in a deep sleep, my foot was suddenly pounced on and wrapped up in kitty legs. Then, since I was wide awake now, I decided to get up and go to the bathroom. While I was doing that, Mindy decided to play zoom around on the bed, pounce, scrunch down with ears laid back, rinse and repeat several times then she jumped off the bed and disappeared until she decided it was time for everybody to get up this morning and started talking and patting me and Craig until the pugs woke up as well. This, of course, is so she can get the humans and the pugs off her bed so she can stretch out and nap all by herself and not have to share the space. We won't see her in the rest of the house until early afternoon unless something piques her interest.
medtran49 we had THREE kitties just like Mindy! :laugh:

How did you survive?

Oh, I forgot to mention. She has awakened me several times by giving me a kiss on the lips. Fortunately, this has only happened a few times as my reaction to that from being deep asleep is not conducive to a kitty remaining on the bed (AKA as flying through the air and landing on the floor).
She has awakened me several times by giving me a kiss on the lips.
As I’m sure you’ve heard, that’s your cat trying to steal your breath to kill you.

At least that’s what my mom says, it’s why we were never allowed to have cats! :laugh:
The Black Cat and the Dennis cat searching for snakes in the long grass?


Now the floods have receded we had the grass cutting crew in this afternoon. He couldn't start his whipper snapper so he went away again.
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