Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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I’m just happy seeing someone else other than me using a paper map!
We love paper maps. It was the entire reason behind the name "SatNavSaysStraightOn"... but they are stunningly hard to come by in Australia...

BTW, on of my photos was featured on an Ordnance Survey map a few years back.
Stewie ignored the carrot and went for the peanut butter.

I tried a cabbage leaf, no interest. He did enjoy the banana I threw to him over the rail. A squirrel ran to look at the banana and Stewie charged him, so there was a furious chase until the squirrel ran up the tree. Then Stewie ran back for his banana.

He doesn't like the peel and refuses to have anything to do with it unless it's peeled first.
True trust will be if she brings them to see you.
I think it's likely. The squirrels do every year and they...well they're squirrely, ya' know!

It might be awhile since I think she gave birth fairly recently given the condition of the protruding nipples that weren't noticeable before. And we'd just noticed about 2 weeks ago that she looked skinny and figured she was just shedding her winter coat.

No name change though. She's still Stewie.
Oh right!! For some reason or another, I thought groundhogs were much bigger and fatter - sort of like a wombat with an American accent.
I've really no Idea how big a wombat is, but if a groundhog is about 20 pounds is that about 9 kilos?

Edit: Omg i just Googled and wombats are huge!
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