Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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That is some age! And she looks really healthy.
She's starting to show her age a bit now. She can't climb like she used to and seems to prefer life as an indoor cat. She has her food on a non-food preparation counter top (out of "harm's" way!) but now needs a chair as a step up. I think her eyesight may be going too, but she's not doing badly considering she was found dumped on a doorstep and badly bitten when only a few weeks old.
My brother's friends had a Manchester terrier about 50 years ago. It was spoilt rotten and was a right little ******* You are the first person I've ever come across since that has had one.

They are listed as a vulnerable breed by the kennel club so not many about. Not many pups born each year and there is a waiting list if you want to have one (I wouldn't advise it - greyhounds are much more sensible). :happy:
This is Dennis:


This is Black:

Black s.jpg

They fight.
Black fights with many of the other cats in the village. Dennis is much less aggressive. She tends to run rather than fight.
My two black cats had a free for all fight today. It ended up with Polly hiding under the duvet on the sofa, Tippy standing on the armchair well out of the way, cat food and water everywhere including over some of my books, and the front room and kitchen looking like a bomb had hit them. All because Lenny decided to pinch Rocky's lunch :mad:
My two black cats had a free for all fight today. It ended up with Polly hiding under the duvet on the sofa, Tippy standing on the armchair well out of the way, cat food and water everywhere including over some of my books, and the front room and kitchen looking like a bomb had hit them. All because Lenny decided to pinch Rocky's lunch :mad:
Who won?
Neither of them or both, depending which way you look at it. Rocky's dry food dish was full of water, so I tipped the water out and gave Lenny the soggy food that was left. Rocky was given fresh dry food in a dry dish. Lenny will eat anything; Rocky is very picky. No cats were starved as a result of this fight :D
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