I'd add a little more fat if you're getting dry cornbread.
Thank you, noted - I will use a bit more butter next time
I'd add a little more fat if you're getting dry cornbread.
Northerners' cornbread can be dessert like sweet
I’ve also read that mixing it too much can destroy the gluten and make it somewhat dry but I haven’t tried it yet because I’m worried there will be lumps in the finished product. Do you leave some unmixed bits in the batter or mix it all the way?
I’ve also read that mixing it too much can destroy the gluten and make it somewhat dry but I haven’t tried it yet because I’m worried there will be lumps in the finished product. Do you leave some unmixed bits in the batter or mix it all the way?
It might be worth splitting this old and creaking thread into two new ones fairly soon...?