Sing-a-long in Garde Manger


14 Jun 2015
Local time
2:44 AM
Las Vegas, NV
One of my daily duties at work is to pick up paperwork from all the production kitchens in the hotel which I process later on the computer in the wine vault between phone calls. I pick up forms from the bakery, the danish room, room service, the main kitchen, garde manger and gelato. By far my favorite stop is garde manger.

The people who work in garde manger are all very friendly. It's kept cold in there since they are preparing cold food and they all wear heavy jackets. One lady gives me pieces of melon or a strawberry when I come in. They all smile and say hello. One Asian lady always asks me what day it is for me. On Friday I say "It's my Monday". On Saturday, when she asks, I tell her "It's my TuesdayWednesdayThursday" which always makes her laugh. It never seems to get old. If I were to lose my job in the wine vault, I'd want to work in garde manger. I could do it. I have good knife skills. Sure I do.

The other day, I walked in and one of the ladies hollered out "Hey girl, how are you today?" I answered "I'm great, how are you?". She yelled back "I feel GOOOD". As I was walking past a very large Hispanic man, I was singing softly to myself the James Brown song "I feel good. Dee,dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, doo." to my surprise the large Hispanic man belted out "I FEEL good, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, doo". Before I knew it all the workers in garde manger were singing along "I feel good" with the accompaning "dee, dee's"

As I was leaving I sang out "So good, so good. I got YOU." Everyone was doubled over with laughter by this time and as the door swung closed behind me, I could hear them still singing: "I feel good".

It was an amazing spontaneous moment of joy during a normally dull and mundane working day. I felt GOOD the rest of my shift.
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