Smoked Brazil nuts


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
9:52 AM
Shropshire, UK
Has anyone tried these before? They are amazing, and so easy to make. I went on a food smoking course at the weekend and learned, and one of the subjects covered was contructing makeshift food smokers using stuff you have lying around. I found an old vegetable steamer pan set, and using some apple wood dust I cold smoked some Brazil nuts that had been toasted then tossed in a sugar/salt/pepper mix. The whole process took less than half an hour. The nuts were all gone in 10 minutes :hungry:
Has anyone tried these before? They are amazing, and so easy to make. I went on a food smoking course at the weekend and learned, and one of the subjects covered was contructing makeshift food smokers using stuff you have lying around. I found an old vegetable steamer pan set, and using some apple wood dust I cold smoked some Brazil nuts that had been toasted then tossed in a sugar/salt/pepper mix. The whole process took less than half an hour. The nuts were all gone in 10 minutes :hungry:
I haven't tried smoking nuts but I do make smoked salmon and smoked chicken and have also smoked cheese. Trouble is, unless I do it outside it sets off the smoke alarm! Do you do the smoking indoors?
I haven't tried smoking nuts but I do make smoked salmon and smoked chicken and have also smoked cheese. Trouble is, unless I do it outside it sets off the smoke alarm! Do you do the smoking indoors?
These nuts were my first attempt at smoking, I hot smoked them in a vegetable steamer on a gas ring under an extractor - it was pretty airtight anyway so not a problem given they only took 10 mins. I'm sure I could hot smoke chicken breasts the same way.

I have almost finished building a bigger cold smoker which I will use for smoked salmon. This will be used outdoors under cover as the smoking time will be around 8 hours. First batch should be ready for for the weekend!
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