Something you have but haven’t used


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
8:19 PM
Ohio, US
Can you name something you’ve bought in the last…let’s say six months for use in your kitchen that you haven’t gotten around to using yet?

I’m thinking, and I can’t come up with anything, except maybe a cookbook I bought back in October.

How about everyone here? Do you have a new appliance or gadget you just had to have, and now…there it sits, unused?
I replaced my cracked KA meat grinder attachment with a metal one sometime last year, and haven't used it, yet.

I also got my parent's hand cranked pasta roller at least a year ago, and haven't used it. But honestly, I knew there was a good chance that would happen.

Oh yeah
I bought all those "must have" things when travelling in East Asia. They looked real handy when there and I really thought I would use them.
So I got sort of noodle baskets that you dunk in the soup to cook and easily lift out. But I do not make litres at the time!
I got a little gadget that makes a sort of flower out of chives. Never used
A little clay pot, same story, and it was a pain to transport as it's quite breakable.

Lots of other stuff that hasn't been used in over 6 months but that has more to do with having owned a lodge and not selling items that would come in handy in the coming years
Definitely some cookbooks, and some cookie cutters. Other than that, no. Only a sandwich maker I inherited from my grandparents and that I never ever used because I don't like hot sandwiches. That thing is probably 15 years old, so I keep it more as memorabilia than anything else.
Definitely some cookbooks, and some cookie cutters. Other than that, no. Only a sandwich maker I inherited from my grandparents and that I never ever used because I don't like hot sandwiches. That thing is probably 15 years old, so I keep it more as memorabilia than anything else.
You don’t like hot sandwiches.. ? :eek:
You don’t like hot sandwiches.. ? :eek:
Not really, no.

Btw the sandwich maker I'm referring to it's one like this:
Not really, no.

Btw the sandwich maker I'm referring to it's one like this:
View attachment 108976
Ah yes the ubiquitous cupboard space stealer! think we’ve all had one of those at some point.

I rarely make hot sandwices, I like them, I just can’t be bothered with the mess. So when I do it’s either in a frying pan with a bacon press, or in the toaster using a sandwich cage (below) and a toaster bag. Mostly I prefer the non-greasy toaster versions.

a small bottle of Rose Water,
This week I have had to make 200 "Gulab Jamun". Gulab jamun is an Indian sweet which is basically a fried dough ball (made with dried milk, flour and yoghurt) soaked in sugar syrup. What makes the sugar syrup interesting is the addition of cardamom seeds and rose water.
I'm not suggesting you make gulab jamun, but the sugar syrup rocks. I've used it on ice cream, on cakes, on cupcakes: it's delish. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, 2 cardamom pods (put in the seed only) and a tsp of rose water. Bring to a boil and then let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
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karadekoolaid I did a "copy me that" and will try this the next time I make one of my Rum Cakes

I usually make two "half-sized" Bundt cakes at a time, so that we don't waste any cake (how that's even possible, who knows).
We devour one cake and I freeze the other, works out great.
So what I'll try is the regulation-DH approved Rum Syrup on one cake and the Cardamom & Rose Water on the other.
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