Recipe Spicy crab, cherry tomatoes, chilies with linguine.

Burt Blank

Legendary Member
25 Jun 2020
Local time
7:16 AM
Split Croatia
Prep. Open a big can of quality white crab meat
Buy quality fresh Linguine from the supermarket, it absorbs better than dried.
Fine dice of chili, fine dice of a bit of garlic.
A couple of handfuls of very ripe cherry toms withe the green bits removed.

In a heavy bottomed pan put in maybe 1.5 cups of evo for two to three people. throw in the cherry toms garlic and chilies. Heat very gently till the toms burst it should be too hot to comfortably put your finger in, take of heat and drop in the crab meat Quickly but gently stir. It should look like you have vomited up a pizza margarita. Drop in the cooked linguine straight from the water. Stir in and be amazed. The linguine will absorb all of the chili crab tomato flavored oil anf leave each strand of linguine coated with crabby yummylicioness. Do not put grated cheese of any variety on it or I will come round with my Lupara.
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Prep. Open a big can of quality white crab meat
Buy quality fresh Linguine from the supermarket, it absorbs better than dried.
Fine dice of chili, fine dice of a bit of garlic.
A couple of handfuls of very ripe cherry toms withe the green bits removed.

In a heavy bottomed pan put in maybe 1.5 cups of evo for two to three people. throw in the cherry toms garlic and chilies. Heat very gently till the toms burst it should be too hot to comfortably put your finger in, take of heat and drop in the crab meat Quickly but gently stir. It should look like you have vomited up a pizza margarita. Drop in the cooked linguine straight from the water. Stir in and be amazed. The linguine will absorb all of the chili crab tomato flavored oil anf leave each angel hair coated with crabby yummylicioness. Do not put grated cheese of any variety on it or I will come round with my Lupara.

So, is it angel hair pasta or linguine?
Nice - I love crab with pasta
Yes, but as the site keeper of multiple recipes and methods. It is my method that intrigues me. I can't remember where it comes from. A lot of people ask me to be more specific about my cooking . I sort of see an end result and work backward. My patisserie is different, you have to be very precise.
either works well thankfully, I started the post the had to take a long call. sorry.

nothing to be sorry about. I do think angel hair would probably be a better fit though.

Your technique question? About the barely cooked tomatoes or something else? I used a barely cooked similar tomato sauce with my fresh basil gnocchi recently and it was very good and fresh tasting.
Oh sure, there is nothing better than write down a recipe in a cooking forum by writing that.

It is rather off putting - but I had the same thoughts when I made the crab spaghetti except that it wasn't pizza! I wouldn't write it in a recipe description - I'd just say it might look a bit unpromising at that stage...
It is rather off putting - but I had the same thoughts when I made the crab spaghetti except that it wasn't pizza! I wouldn't write it in a recipe description - I'd just say it might look a bit unpromising at that stage...

That's right, it is rather off putting.

And like me, you know very well that the thing is not related to what it seems (everyone keeps it to himself) but to how to write it or, why not, just avoid mentioning it!
Your technique question? About the barely cooked tomatoes or something else?
Yes to the freshness, I mainly made it when the greenhouse cherry toms were right. So its an excellent summer lunch dish. It is the liquid being absorbed by the pasta turning a disgusting looking pot into a very clean and good looking plate.
As to my descriptive prose, anyone who has cooked Tripes à la mode de Caen from scratch know at a certain stage it smells like shxt and looks worse. The end result is not much better but it tastes amazing. I apologies to anyone who was offended, but I thought vomiting up was more apropos than spewing up.
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As to my descriptive prose, anyone who has cooked Tripes à la mode de Caen from scratch know at a certain stage it smells like shxt and looks worse. The end result is not much better but it tastes amazing. I apologies to anyone who was offended, but I thought vomiting up was more apropos than spewing up.

That's right, it is rather off putting.

I understand both points of view. But its probably worth being a bit sensitive when talking about a recipe as it can be off-putting to some members. Its not the same - but its a bit like when members join in a thread about a food they don't like and use a vomit icon. Its not really necessary to be so graphic and blunt and it can upset some members. You can easily infer what something looks like - I reckon we all have good imaginations here.

Mod hat off:
You are right Burt Blank, Tripe à la mode de Caen certainly does require a strong stomach! There are quite a few things like this. One thing I'd like to try which apparently smells absolutely vile is a certain type of aged tinned fish popular in Sweden (I can't remember what its called).
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