St. Patrick’s Day 2024


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
6:23 PM
Ohio, US
Any cooking (or other) plans for St. Pat’s Day this year? I haven’t put a menu together yet, but I’m sure I will.

I noticed some Irish (-style) sausages at ALDI the other day…maybe something simple and satisfying.

Anyone else?

Treats in the tree!
Ok, menu’s going to be very simple this year:

Black velvet cocktails
Irish cheddar & crackers

Shepherd’s or Cottage pie, depending
Cabbage slaw

Irish coffees

That’s it.
We've been in vited to join Mr&Mrs Next Door Neighbors at a local "19th hole" where they serve up some mean grub.
Both DH & I do not really care for the Corned Beef and Cabbage that is usually offered on St. Paty's Day, but at least they will also be offering their regular menu, so we're safe.

Black velvet cocktails - I don’t know if these didn’t float because:

1. I used nitro stout
2. I used $6 fizz
3. I’ve lost me touch

Good, nonetheless.
Oh, bit of a funny story regarding the tree with the mini bottles of booze in it:

The other night, MrsT wanted coffee “wit’ sumpin’ in it,” so I brewed some up, then walked over to the tree, popped off the little Baileys, and poured it into her coffee.

“Wait a minute…those are real?! I thought they were just decoration!”

“No, they’re real. Mini bottles from the liquor store.”

“And I’ve been sitting here like a chump since I got back from Florida, when I could’ve been drinking them?!”

“I guess so.”

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