
No idea who M&S is, but... enjoy.
Christmas Main Courses | Food To Order | M&S
The M&S staff and Waitrose partners get the pick of the left over stock with sell by dates that will not carry till reopening after the hols. Organic Bronze Turkeys for £5 standing Rib £6.50 etc . It was Mrs B's job to oversea her staff in removing the food 2 hrs before the store shut. She would then price it for the partners. :angelic: :roflmao:


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Argh! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with Ocado since the M&S link-up.
I've just had the notification that today's order is on its way but they had to make a substitute...ok that's fine, I understand that occasionally substitutions are needed. But I ordered plain flour and rather than just sending me a different brand of plain flour, no they substituted it with the same brand of self raising flour! :mad:
Argh! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with Ocado since the M&S link-up.
I've just had the notification that today's order is on its way but they had to make a substitute...ok that's fine, I understand that occasionally substitutions are needed. But I ordered plain flour and rather than just sending me a different brand of plain flour, no they substituted it with the same brand of self raising flour! :mad:
Oh dear Mrs D, don't order toilet paper or they may sub the Sun Newspaper.
Argh! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with Ocado since the M&S link-up.
I've just had the notification that today's order is on its way but they had to make a substitute...ok that's fine, I understand that occasionally substitutions are needed. But I ordered plain flour and rather than just sending me a different brand of plain flour, no they substituted it with the same brand of self raising flour! :mad:
Kroger pulls that crap all the time - absolutely zero logic in what their substitution is. It's why I stopped curbside pickup after a while.
Carly Marie
I used to pick people’s shopping and once I was called into see my manager who had just had a complaint by a customer because he thought we were being ‘funny’ with his substitute. It was many years ago and very early in the morning and the customer wanted Zoo magazine. I subbed it with Farmers Weekly because I just thought of animals....
Zoo magazine was the men’s magazine wasn’t it, no wonder he thought we were having a laugh!! It was a genuine mistake on my part!
Argh! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with Ocado since the M&S link-up.
I've just had the notification that today's order is on its way but they had to make a substitute...ok that's fine, I understand that occasionally substitutions are needed. But I ordered plain flour and rather than just sending me a different brand of plain flour, no they substituted it with the same brand of self raising flour! :mad:

I had this a while back but successfully made rough puff pastry with the S.R. flour. What did you intend using the plain flour for?

BTW I'm very disillusioned with Ocado. No way can I book a Christmas delivery. Plus, the M&S stuff has far too much ready prepared produce.
Argh! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with Ocado since the M&S link-up.
I've just had the notification that today's order is on its way but they had to make a substitute...ok that's fine, I understand that occasionally substitutions are needed. But I ordered plain flour and rather than just sending me a different brand of plain flour, no they substituted it with the same brand of self raising flour! :mad:

I'm not familiar with that supermarket but have used online shopping for years due to my health problems. I became friendly with the supervisor over the online shopping team and she got to know my likes/dislikes. She could shop for me as well as I would shop for myself so my orders were never wrong and substitutions, when necessary, were done correctly.

Now, I live in a smallish town with just a WalMart and Aldis. WalMart opened their online shopping earlier this year and it's been hit or miss. I know one of the employees who does an excellent job but I cannot choose her to shop for me. I never allow subs and I don't order things that I want to look at first (produce, meat, poultry). The reality is many people at the stores are young and just don't know how to shop the way a person who is a cook or baker or even a parent shops. It has only become more difficult since COVID-19 because they are trying to keep up.

So, I have no magic answers for you. I would just recommend you call the store, get a manager on the line and find out how to avoid this problem in the future. They want your business so they'll find a way to make it a good working relationship. Or, they should! Crossing my fingers for you.
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