Legendary Member
Strong brown builders - anything else is just playing at it 

I will not fight you for the Earl Gray. Not a fan of bergamot. However, if you are interested in a nice sipping tea for summer that is a fancied-up green tea, try Harney's "Bangkok". It has the addition of coconut, lemongrass, and ginger and is very smooooooth. Harney's has a shop over in SoHo...just sayin'....I also really like green teas, as well as white tips, although the latter can use some help mixed with green.
And then, of course, there'll always be Earl Grey.
No iced tea?I'm a tea drinker - hot or cold, plain or doctored up, slurping as I work or sipping when I rest. I have my easy teas (basic and in bags, served up in a big mug) and special-teas (loose and usually needing a tea steeping device and a fine China cup. My morning wake-up (and usual hot brew) is Red Rose tea with scant sugar and a good amount of dairy. I find half-and-half a bit too thick, so I mix 2% milk equally with the half-and-half to make it "just right" for me. I found that Red Rose is very forgiving if you forget it's steeping, as it never seems bitter even if It's gone 10+ minutes.Once I've had a cup or two of tea I can then move on to drinking a cup or two of coffee...then back to tea before 6:00 PM if I have any hope of ever going to sleep by dawn.
When I want to relax with a special tea, I pull out a tin of Harney & Sons, usually. Originally from northwest Connecticut, they moved their plant to Millerton, NY about a dozen or so years ago. While driving the route between OH and MA, I took state routes (rather than Interstate highways) and passed a sign that said "Tea Shop". I stopped, turned around, and stumbled into a new land. John Harney was in the midst of demonstrating a number of his teas to a class of prospective tea shop owners, and he graciously invited me to join in the tasting and then the trip over to his new plant. He was a delightful man, a treasury of fine tea knowledge, and a kind person to meet. The world is a better place for having him stop and visit it. Anyway, the sons and grandchildren are carrying on his tradition, and the quality of their teas has not diminished in the least.
Oh, yeah, ice tea. I forgot. Copious amounts when it's hot. I'll do a cold brew overnight in either a short quart (30 oz) vintage juice carafe, or 46 oz. in my Winnie the Pooh jug. I'll also make a pint or so in a tea pot if I want a flavored tea, but those need lots of ice if I'm drinking them right away. It's going to be close to 80 (26.5 C) most of the week, so we'll need to eat plenty of produce to make room for iced tea!No iced tea?