Recipe Thai Ratatouille


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
2:13 PM
  • 8 Thai green eggplants, sliced 8 mm
  • 5 gherkins, sliced 8 mm
  • 4 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 red capsicum, thinly sliced
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 6 Thai red chili peppers, chopped
  • 4 flat parsley leaves, chopped
  • olive oil
  • seasoning
rat ing s.jpg

  1. Put the eggplants and gherkins in a bowl, season with salt, mix well and put aside for 30 minutes.
  2. In a flat based pan, stir fry the sliced eggplants and gherkins in olive oil for around 5 minutes until slightly brown. Remove and put aside.
  3. Add the onions, chilies and capsicums to the pan with a little more olive oil. Stir fry for around 10 minutes then add the garlic and a little salt and pepper.
  4. Add the chopped tomatoes, cover and cook for a further 5 minutes.
  5. Then add the reserved eggplants and gherkins and the parsley and cook covered for a further 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Serve hot.
rat cooked s.jpg
So the gherkins are sort of in place of courgettes? I'm assuming they are not what I know as gherkins which are pickled.

I guess that they are mini cucumbers - called "taeng wah" here. No, they are not pickled.

Splendid version ..

I have seen Japanese Aubergine ( Deep Aubergine Violet Plum Black Color ) and / or Eggplant ..

How do the Green Eggplant taste ? Is there a difference in profile ?

Have a nice day ..

Well, @Yorky: I finally made your winning recipe. But, in all honesty, I replaced just about every ingredient with an equivalent. Instead of Thai eggplant, I the standard purple variety. I used cucumbers instead of gherkins. I used Calabrian chili peppers instead of Thai chili peppers. Red onion instead of yellow. And, I used twice as much garlic.

But, my absolute favorite was my decision to use cherry tomatoes instead of regular tomatoes. They're small enough that I didn't have to cut them, but just imagine how much more difficult I made the task of peeling them. Instead of 4 tomatoes, I had to peel about 40 little slippery ones. It's a lot of fun: you should try it sometime.

Note my attempt to replicate your presentation in my photography.


The end result was excellent. By the way, @morning glory, I will not be entering this into the contest, even though it might be different enough to qualify. There's a funny story there, too. I didn't even plan to make this recipe: I just happened to get all the ingredients for separate reasons.

The eggplant was for the contest, of course. But, I got the cucumber to make to tzatziki sauce. I got the tomatoes to make oven dried tomatoes (which I've been doing quite a bit lately). I think I bought the bell pepper because it was cheap with no clear idea of what to do with it. I always have onions and peppers on hand. It was a happy accident, but it created the perfect storm. That's another reason why it shouldn't qualify for the contest: I just used two clichés in one sentence.
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The word eggplant turned me off straight away, I'm sorry but I can't go there. Your gerkins are exactly what I have been pickling. I know I need to really try them but something in the texture. Not many things I don't like. Yours looks appetising though.

The word eggplant turned me off straight away, I'm sorry but I can't go there.

What's your issue with aubergine? I recall that @Herbie 's partner doesn't like it either (I think!). I reckon it depends how it cooked...

Also - these are Thai green aubergines. They are very different from the purple ones. They stay quite crunchy in my experience. And the purple ones aren't even crunchy to start with.
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What's your issue with aubergine? I recall that @Herbie 's partner doesn't like it either (I think!). I reckon it depends how it cooked...

Also - these are Thai green aubergines. They are very different from the purple ones. They stay quite crunchy in my experience. And the purple ones aren't even crunchy to start with.
Ok, I'm going to try to find these.

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