Thankful for...?


13 Nov 2013
Local time
10:09 PM
Of course everyone is thankful for amazing food served on Thanksgiving but what else are you thankful for?

I am very thankful to have such an amazing mother who supports me in every way possible. I am also thankful to have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me so much! I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world just because of those two people in my life!
I'm thankful for getting to travel to Hawaii with my mom earlier this year for 5 weeks. We're from New Zealand so it was fantastic getting to experience a mix of American and Polynesian/Hawaiian culture. Travel is one of my passions in life, other than food of course ;) and it was a real adventure getting to explore such a beautiful destination with one of my favorite people. We made memories, that will last a life time. The trip was also special as it was the first trip we'd been on just the two of us since, I was 8. We'd always talked about going on a mother daughter trip but life got in the way e.g study, work. We enjoyed traveling together so much we're already planning a 2 week trip to Canada for May next year.
I'm thankful because my mother enjoys good health and my sister has turned very supportive to me. I also have to be thankful for the opportunity to wake up every morning and have a job to do.
I am always thankful that aside from the foods that we are eating everyday I always thank God before I sleep for all the blessings He had showered to me and my family and for our good health. Then as I wake up in the morning I also thank God for a good night sleep and for giving me another day to live my life and praying that I can do all my responsibilities and work for the day.
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