Wandering Bob
Well, it can't be my turn either, because if I do the 'O', then (according to your rules) I couldn't then do the 'P' - and I would find that so dispiriting
Probably not my turn but …..Tapas
I wonder if they brought back any Nahautl dishes, keeping the name. Like Xocoatl (chocolate) or Xni Pec (dogs nose salsa).
? confused...
What the Spanish stole, err I mean brought back from Central America and Mexico. Surely they didn't call it chocolate originally and only knew it from its Nahuatl name, even if they did basterdize it.
What the Spanish stole, err I mean brought back from Central America and Mexico. Surely they didn't call it chocolate originally and only knew it from its Nahuatl name, even if they did basterdize it.