The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

Mye bedre.

OK, Morgen AEre, how about Jarlsberg. Or Julekake. Or Julebord. All of whuich we have every Christamas. :okay:
Only a little Norwegian. What I picked up from my Mom's side of the family when I was small. Mostly shut up, sit down, and behave, lol.
Plus what I learned when I was coaching m,y son's baseball team (off topic story).
If you want to hear the tone and cadence of language that I was used to hearing back then, with Norskies speaking English, watch the Netfilx series The Norsemen. It's a fascinating sing-song kind of language. Plus, very passive, non-offensive type of discussions no matter how much anyone disagreed.

Anyway, Klippfisk. (dried cod)
Only a little Norwegian. What I picked up from my Mom's side of the family when I was small. Mostly shut up, sit down, and behave, lol.
Plus what I learned when I was coaching m,y son's baseball team (off topic story).
If you want to hear the tone and cadence of language that I was used to hearing back then, with Norskies speaking English, watch the Netfilx series The Norsemen. It's a fascinating sing-song kind of language. Plus, very passive, non-offensive type of discussions no matter how much anyone disagreed.

Anyway, Klippfisk. (dried cod)

I do like that sing song sound. I already did K.
Oops/Uff da.

Well, then. L would have to be lutefisk.

I need to find my pic of the last time I ate it. You REALLY need to be raised eating this to enjoy it.
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