The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

E = Erizo de Mar de Asturias ( Sea Urchin ) .. Asturias, Spain .. A prickly creature filled with a delicacy of orange toned roe / its own caviar ..
E = Erizo de Mar de Asturias ( Sea Urchin ) .. Asturias, Spain .. A prickly creature filled with a delicacy of orange toned roe / its own caviar ..
My heart's desire is to taste a sea urchin. I know that I would like it. They are virtually impossible to find in the UK (I think those that are caught are sent to Spain!).
My heart's desire is to taste a sea urchin. I know that I would like it. They are virtually impossible to find in the UK (I think those that are caught are sent to Spain!).

@morning glory

Those that are netted are sold to Michelin Star Restaurants and top notch Hotels .. ( In Spain, France & Italy. ) .. I would asume London and other major cities as well .. The orange rose interior of these prickly creatures is reached by slicing off the top half of the "test" with a special instrument and they are called: Coupe Oursin in France.
They are eaten with a dash of lemon and are greatly appreciated.

There is also a similar species, which is Violet and it is called Erizo Violáceo because of its violet color and in France they are called Oursin ..

The Latin name for this creature is: Echinidae / Paracentrotus Lividus ..
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i = Imperador ( The Portuguese name for Palometa Roja, a grand traveller of the Western Atlantic and as far north as Norway ). The Latin name for the species is: Berycidae ..

In French, Béryx Rouge .. In English, it is also called Palometa Roja or Red Palometa ..
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