The Breakfast Myth

I don't function without breakfast.
I have to have some cereal within half an hour after getting up.
Anyway whatever time you eat for the first time in a day, you will be breaking your fast, ie having breakfast.
What happens if you don't? :eek:
Some starch is necessary to keep the glucose level from getting to low. But then again, too much is not good. Just like the insulin. It helps keep the glucose level from getting too high. But if you don't eat within about 15 minutes after taking a dose, then you run the risk of the glucose level getting too low.

It is just like the phrase Pick your Poison! Follow proper protocol or run the risk of your life being in danger! :eek:

Not all diabetics are given insulin. type 2 diabetes, at least in the UK, is not normally controlled by it. my father isn't on it, but my brother in law who is type 1 is on insulin. I forget what my father takes but it is a tablet.

Right I've just asked him. it's metformin.

Metformin (Glucophage, Glumetza, others). Generally, metformin is the first medication prescribed for type 2 diabetes. It works by improving the sensitivity of your body tissues to insulin so that your body uses insulin more effectively.

Metformin also lowers glucose production in the liver. Metformin may not lower blood sugar enough on its own. Your doctor will also recommend lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and becoming more active.

Nausea and diarrhea are possible side effects of metformin. These side effects usually go away as your body gets used to the medicine. If metformin and lifestyles changes aren't enough to control your blood sugar level, other oral or injected medications can be added.
I'm also pretty lousy first thing in the morning of i don't eat breakfast but I think a lot of that comes from years of cycling to work and then swimming once I got there. I found I needed to eat something before I left (usually coffee and porridge) and query I had been swimming I would have a small sized Mars bar. without it I didn't function at work. by mid morning I would be eating my way through lunch (fresh raw veg and fruit with some cheese and bread, obviously it was when I could eat cheese) and often a hard boiled egg as well. I would also ensure I ate again around 4pm about an hour prior to cycling home. evening meal would follow... nuts were a favourite go to and still are (until the school banned them, then I moved over to a seeded bar instead of simply ate my nut bar outside of the school gates. I want going to come into contact with any students at that point because they all had to be in the boarding houses so it wasn't an issue.

I'm still the same now. I have to eat something else the entire day just doesn't happen and for me I can easily skip lunch and have 2 well spaced (12 hrs apart!) meals of similar size. I tend to have a lot of protein & starch but little actual sugar. the only exception to that is if my adrenal gland issues get out of control and have a paddy. then I can have hypo attacks despite not being diabetic and something sweet is the only way to go.

If I'm out cycling and doing more than a couple of hours, I eat something at the top of every hour now matter what. that way I can carry on. it is something we discovered on tour. little and often produced the best results.
Not all diabetics are given insulin. type 2 diabetes, at least in the UK, is not normally controlled by it. my father isn't on it, but my brother in law who is type 1 is on insulin. I forget what my father takes but it is a tablet.

Right I've just asked him. it's metformin.

I can't take metformin.
I makes me nauseated & sick. I start vomiting for a long time!!! My doc had to take me off of it. :sick:
Hmmm. Blood sugar spikes after eating starchy foods. Obviously, this would happen.
Don't eat breakfast as a diabetic, take insulin, no protein, blood sugar could drop too low and cause a coma.
Eat nothing but starchy foods, spike your blood sugar, ok strokes and comas are not bad things.

To me, this professor is full of bull. He purposely ate foods he knew who spike his blood sugar to prove no breakfast was better.

If anyone lands in the hospital because they listened to a college professor on the mistaken belief that college professors are smart (some are, some aren't in fields outside their own), I hope they hold whatever journalist dug up this pile of diet crap responsible.

Diabetes is NOT something to screw around with and one should consult a doctor, nutritionist or your nearest diabetes foundation.

Excuse the rant but I do have a cousin that landed her but in the hospital and had her driver's license taken away because she didn't control her blood sugar.

You are right, my mum had diabetes and struggled to control her blood sugar, even ended up in hospital a few times so no we shouldn't screw around with diabetes.
You are right, my mum had diabetes and struggled to control her blood sugar, even ended up in hospital a few times so no we shouldn't screw around with diabetes.

Diabetics are supposed to eat 3 meals a day, especially 15 minutes after taking insulin. A little something in between if you start to get hungry.
Diabetics are supposed to eat 3 meals a day, especially 15 minutes after taking insulin. A little something in between if you start to get hungry.
And once again, check with your own doctor to determine what is best for you.
Never rely on the internet. What works for one diabetic might not work for another. Same with meds.
I make mistakes. My mood drops. I get nothing done.
Sounds like me on a good day. No, not really! If I eat breakfast I just go vegetable - I mean I vegetate!. In fact, eating in general has that effect on me. So I eat very little in order to stay alert. I tend to do what everyone says is wrong and eat mostly late at night. Then I can sleep...
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Eating carbohydrates in the morning is really quite a recent thing and probably largely due to the breakfast cereal industry. Having said that, I suppose

Sounds like me on a good day. No, not really! If I eat breakfast I just go vegetable - I mean I vegetate!. In fact, eating in general has that effect on me. So I eat very little in order to stay alert. I tend to do what everyone says is wrong and eat mostly late at night. Then I can sleep...

Hard to imagine. Can't you have a small meal earlier in the day and allow time for a nap if necessary?
Are you underweight?
Hard to imagine. Can't you have a small meal earlier in the day and allow time for a nap if necessary?
Are you underweight?
I'm certainly not underweight. Not really overweight either. It isn't a problem really - I've always been the same regarding breakfast. If I have lunch it will normally be a boiled egg with a small slice of bread. Or sometimes just a salad of lettuce, tomatoes and a low cal home-made dressing. But I often skip lunch too! One of the reasons is probably that I'm such an obsessive cook. I'm often cooking all day on and off and I taste everything! Also, if I eat a meal then I find I don't want to cook.:D I should mention that I drink quite a lot of wine which probably makes up the calories. Yes....I know....
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