The coffee thread

Instant coffee in supermarkets here now occupies half the shelf space it used to.
Now there are bags upon bags of different ground varieties and brands, different capsules of varying quality and strength by different manufacturers.
A third of generation z polled say they’ll never drink instant.
The average age of instant coffee drinkers in the UK is 65

It’s just not as popular as it was and is predicted to continue its decline. We’ll see.
I was once a dinner guest of a friend at his country club and had one of the best cups of coffee I can remember. I asked my friend what it was. He went to the kitchen and asked. He returned and told me it was instant coffee and they wouldn't divulge the source. So it is a secret from me if it is even true. I've tried to reproduce it to no avail. Whoever made it belongs in the coffee brewing hall of fame.

Sounds like the old Folger's Crystals TV commercials. :laugh:


My basic day-to-day coffee is Community decaf. I have issues with caffeine, and this decaf still tastes like a good, medium to dark roast coffee. Community used to be a Southern Louisiana/SE Texas brand, but now it a lot more widely available. More and more restaurants are serving it.

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If you want an extra punch in your coffee, they have a coffee-hickory blend, which is a big cajun thing.

I love the chicory one. I've never heard of it with hickory. My Cajun uncle used to drink this. I like the Cafe Du Monde coffee too.


12 oz. Ground Coffee and Chicory
I do that, I drink tea 1st thing every day followed by a cup of coffee. Black tea I drink with cinnamon and honey in it. If it's green tea I drink it plain. I like sugar and cream in my coffee.
In Cuba we used to drink cafe con leche for breakfast. Just 2/3 milk and 1/3 expresso coffee with sugar. Despite that upbringing I don't put cream in my coffee. I put sugar in espresso and I drink "regular" coffee black. My "regular" coffee is freshly ground espresso beans brewed in a French press. It doesn't need sugar for some reason. That reason is probably that it is weaker coffee.
In Cuba we used to drink cafe con leche for breakfast. Just 2/3 milk and 1/3 expresso coffee with sugar. Despite that upbringing I don't put cream in my coffee. I put sugar in espresso and I drink "regular" coffee black. My "regular" coffee is freshly ground espresso beans brewed in a French press. It doesn't need sugar for some reason. That reason is probably that it is weaker coffee.
I like a bite in my coffee but I crave the creamy sweetness. It really perks me up!
Sugar perks everybody up, people with diabetes excepted. It is a matter of chemistry.
Of course. I took Anatomy and physiology as well as pathophysiology, pharmacology, and kinesiology, among several others. But it doesn't take a formal education to know that.
I decided to research it, thinking he was onto something I'd not heard of, but couldn't find it, so now thinking he made a typo and meant chicory.

I just did a test. I typed it again, and it got auto-corrected. 🤷‍♂️

In Cuba we used to drink cafe con leche for breakfast. Just 2/3 milk and 1/3 expresso coffee with sugar. Despite that upbringing I don't put cream in my coffee. I put sugar in espresso and I drink "regular" coffee black. My "regular" coffee is freshly ground espresso beans brewed in a French press. It doesn't need sugar for some reason. That reason is probably that it is weaker coffee.

I got into drinking cafe con leche on a long trip through Spain. It requires some seriously strong coffee.

BTW, here is what auto-correct tried to do... cafe con leech. :laugh:

I figured as much. Are you typing on your phone or computer? My Android phone didn't try to correct me. If you were typing on your phone, I am guessing it must be an iPhone. Damned apple thinks they know more than you do, LOL!

I am mostly using my MacBook Pro lately, so I can stay downstairs as much as possible on these hot days, and not run the upstairs AC so much.

My three Macs all run the same operating system, but the auto-correct on my MacBook is the most sensitive. 🤷‍♂️

I only use my iPhone to type if I absolutely must (I generally use speech-to-text).

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